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101 lines (83 loc) · 4.3 KB

File metadata and controls

101 lines (83 loc) · 4.3 KB



  • Dropped ngm-event directives. Please use the event specific directives like ngm-click, ...


  • Update to angular 1.0 rc10
  • complete refactoring for performance improvements, and to allow directive with template and templateUrl.
  • Removed $navigate filter. Use $navigate service instead. Reason: This puts too much logic in the html page and leads to errors if $q is not used correctly.
  • Removed the fadein directive, as there are better ways to do this (see the corresponding jquery mobile plugin...)


  • Update to angular 1.0rc3 and jquery 1.7
  • ng-app directive of angular is required
  • 'ngm:event' directive is gone. Please use the new event directives introduced in 1.0.5
  • $navigate expression was changed to the navigate filter (note: the $navigate service was untouched by this).
  • $navigate now does no more add the "#" automatically. This allows multiple ajax pages to be used.
  • paged expression was changed to the paged filter.
  • removed iff expression as it was only used internally and is now no more needed.
  • removed $.mobile.globalScope as it was only used internally. Use angular's $rootScope service instead.
  • updated the build process
  • removed custom build of jquery mobile, as no patches are needed any more to work with angular 1.0.


  • Update to jquery mobile 1.1
  • $ if called without a message only shows the default message if $.mobile.loadingMessageTextVisible is true (see jquery mobile docs for that property).


  • Allow an object to be passed to $navigate service as first argument to leverage the full power of jqm changePage function.
  • ng:switch now works correctly.
  • Styling issues with links in lists were resolved
  • New event directives: ngm:tap,ngm:taphold,ngm:swipe,ngm:swiperight,ngm:swipeleft,ngm:pagebeforeshow,ngm:pagebeforehide,ngm:pageshow,ngm:pagehide
  • Upgraded to jquery mobile 1.0.1


  • Update to jQuery Mobile 1.0. The adapter itself was not changed, but the standalone version now includes jquery mobile 1.0.
  • Pleaes note that the jquery mobile version provided with the adapter does not more contain the "transitions" branch from jquery mobile. For the detailed list of applied patches see the Readme.


  • Upgraded to jQuery Mobile RC2.
  • Provides a bugfixed version of jquery mobile.
  • Bugfix to styling of elements like <a>, ... when used with ng:if (see issue #10).
  • Added a custom style to hide the angular validation popup (the red line around elements with validation errors still appears).
  • $activePage was renamed to $navigate and does not return the current page any more when called with no arguments. It also only takes a single argument in the form ´[transition]:pageId´. Furthermore, it does not more require the pageId to start with a #. If you have to access the current page, use $.mobile.activePage.
  • Added $navigate function in expressions to move navigation from the controller to the page.
  • ngm:shared-controller was added to share state between spearate pages
  • onActivate and onPassivate callbacks were removed. Use ngm:event="pagebeforeshow:myCallback()" or $navigate(toPage, activateFn) instead.
  • ngm:enterKey was removed. Please use a form with ng:submit (and data-ajax=false) for this.
  • <input type="range"> did produce two sliders. Bug was introduced in 1.0.2.
  • ngm:event now expects it's value to be a json string.
  • No special support for ng:repeat used in <option> elements, as angular does not support this. Added support for ng:options.

The changes to the $activePage, onActivate and ngm:shared-controller was made to have a more general solution that is also possible for sencha touch applications. By this, applications can easily switch between jquery mobile and sencha touch without changing the controller code.


  • Updated to jqm 1.0b3
  • Changed tags and service names to be consistent:
    • waitdialog -> $waitDialog
    • ng:event -> ngm:event
    • ng:fadein -> ngm:fadein
    • ng:if -> ngm:if
    • ng:enterkey -> ngm:enterkey


Added the mobileinit support for the standalone build.


Initial stable release