An attempt to make my dotfiles more modular and version controlled
Once you have cloned down the repo and have your base installation of zsh with whatever things you want configured with it, then you go into the .zshrc in the section where the aliases are meant to live and put this:
# Example aliases
# alias zshconfig="mate ~/.zshrc"
# alias ohmyzsh="mate ~/.oh-my-zsh"
# Moved Alias to ~/workspace/neovimconf/zshrc/.zsh_alias to make things more modular,
# This function will load them from that file
if [ -e $HOME/.zsh_alias ]; then
source $HOME/.zsh_alias
# Moved Functions out to ~/workspace/neovimconf/zshrc/.zsh_functions as well
if [ -e $HOME/.zsh_functions ]; then
source $HOME/.zsh_functions
this just basically tells it to source .zsh_alias and .zsh_functions and keeps your .zshrc file short and sweet, and also you can now just cat those files to remind yourself of what they are instead of having to scroll through a huge .zshrc
In order for this to work though there is one more step, and that is to symlink the files to your ~/
ln -s /path/to/dotfile/repo/zshrc/.zsh_alias ~/
ln -s /path/to/dotfile/repo/zshrc/.zsh_functions ~/
see other README