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ProTraApp logo is not yet available. Fan-made logos will only be accepted if it features at least 70% skeumorphism)


Seanpm2001 and the community on GitHub (No other contributors yet as of March 9th 2021)



00.0 - Top

01.0 - Index

02.0 - Description

03.0 - About

04.0 - Wiki

05.0 - Version history

06.0 - Software status

07.0 - Contributers

08.0 - Issues

08.1 - Current issues

08.2 - Past issues

08.3 - Past pull requests

08.4 - Active pull requests

09.0 - Resources

10.0 - Contributing

11.0 - Library

12.0 - About README

13.0 - README Version history

14.0 - Footer


ProTraApp (Program Traveler Application) is a set of libraries used to creatively link 2 programs of the same universe together. Mainly a game engine plugin, it can also be used for other software and programs.


See above. This repository is a software library that I started developing on March 2nd 2021, although I have had the idea for a number of years before this date.

This library is used to creatively link 2 programs together (not just games, any program on any operating system)


Click/tap here to view this projects Wiki

Version history

Not yet available

Software status

All of my works are free some restrictions. DRM (Digital Restrictions Management) is not present in any of my works.


This sticker is supported by the Free Software Foundation. I never intend to include DRM in my works.

I am ussing the abbreviation "Digital Restrictions Management" instead of the more known "Digital Rights Management" as the common way of addressing it is false, there are no rights with DRM. The spelling "Digital Restrictions Management" is more accurate, and is supported by Richard M. Stallman (RMS) and the Free Software Foundation (FSF)

This section is used to raise awareness for the problems with DRM, and also to protest it. DRM is defective by design and is a major threat to all computer users and software freedom.

Image credit:


Currently, I am the only contributer. Contributing is allowed, as long as you follow the rules on the file

    1. seanpm2001 - 387 commits (As of Tuesday, March 9th 2021 at 8:35 pm)
    1. No other contributers.


Current issues


  • No other current issues

Past issues

None at the moment

Past pull requests

None at the moment

Active pull requests

None at the moment


Here are some other resources for this project:

Project language file - NOT YET DECIDED

Join the discussion on GitHub

No other resources at the moment.


Contributing is not allowed for this project, as it is a personal project.

Click/tap here to view the contributing rules for this project


This project is purely a software library.

Why is it called LIBrary instead of just lib? I did this to help new computer users/new programmers better understand what a software library is. The first 3 letters (LIB, the common abbreviation) are capitalized and the rest of the word is lowercase. This is done so people can learn what the abbreviation stands for. This comes from personal experience, when I was learning Python in 2018. I didn't know what lib meant until I looked it up. I want to educate people on computer science, and this method may help people learn the term without even realizing it, so that they are a little bit smarter when they go to other projects.

The library is currently available for Linux, MacOS, and Windows. BSD support is coming soon.

LIBrary/Darwin: for MacOS and iOS:

AppleScript (All versions)

Objective-C (All versions)

Swift (OS X 10.8 and up) I don't know what the first version of Mac OS that Swift will run on is, so I assumed 10.8. Swift support for Mac OS X and iOS is available for MacOS X 10.8 and up, and iOS 6 and up

Python 2 (Mac OS X 10.0 to Mac OS X 10.4)

Python 3 (Mac OS X 10.5 and up)

LIBrary/GameEngines: for Game engines





Ubuntu 4.10 to Ubuntu 10.04, C (programming language) only at the moment.


Ubuntu 10.04 to Ubuntu 21.04, C (programming language) only at the moment.



Android 1.5 (Donut) to Android 4.4 (KitKat) - Java (programming language) only at the moment


Android 5.0 (Lollipop) to Android 11.1 (Android R) - Java (programming language) only at the moment

Support for Fedora and other Linux distributions is currently coming soon



No specific Chromium version is available, as programs should follow WHATWG web standards, and not be platform specific.


No specific Gecko version is available, as programs should follow WHATWG web standards, and not be platform specific.


No specific WebKit version is available, as programs should follow WHATWG web standards, and not be platform specific.


This is a web standards compliant HTML5 application that is used for web browser application linking. It is ~92% certified at the moment.



Windows 10 build 1507 to Windows 10 build 2004

Available in C# and Java. Python, C, and other language support is currently coming soon

Those are all the software libraries at the moment.


File type: Markdown (*.md)

File version: 1 (Tuesday, March 9th 2021 at 8:44 pm)

Line count: 0,298

README version history

Version 1 (Tuesday, March 9th 2021 at 8:44 pm)


  • Started the file
  • Added the title section
  • Added the index
  • Added the about section
  • Added the Wiki section
  • Added the version history section
  • Added the issues section.
  • Added the past issues section
  • Added the past pull requests section
  • Added the active pull requests section
  • Added the contributors section
  • Added the contributing section
  • Added the about README section
  • Added a software status section, with a DRM free sticker and message
  • Added the resources section
  • Added the libraries section
  • Added the README version history section
  • No other changes in version 1

Version 2 (Coming soon)


  • Coming soon
  • No other changes in version 2

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