issues Search Results · repo:SolidOS/chat-pane language:JavaScript
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inSolidOS/chat-pane (press backspace or delete to remove)user preferences and chat properties are all stored in index.ttl This imply Write for chat owner and users.
As a consequence :
- every allowed user can edit/delete index.ttl
- chat owner cannot manage ...
- bourgeoa
- 1
- Opened on Apr 16
- #105
missing index.ttl.acl
Since the introduction of Append only in chatRoot/.acl access to index.ttl is also Append only. We need to make
index.ttl Write to store chat members properties. with index.ttl.acl ...
- bourgeoa
- Opened on Dec 23, 2023
- #102
shrot chat-pane is embeded to be used as comments in meeting and tracker (meeting-pane and issue-pane)
The pane as not been updated to include some recent additions to the longChat. The following functionalities ...
- bourgeoa
- Opened on Apr 4, 2023
- #99
Following up of the matrix discussion!$aMThy_4XD203KsjPzMEV8uX8uUqbAL7N5iuM90uYZcY?
There are actually ...
good first issue
- bourgeoa
- 2
- Opened on Apr 2, 2023
- #97
This issue is an action of to track a proposal
to use Solid Chat in the W3C Solid CG.
- csarven
- Opened on Feb 14, 2023
- #91
This is a real problem. See the discussion in
Some ideas appeared in the discussion :
- save the chat messages on the message creator pod ...
- bourgeoa
- 18
- Opened on Jan 23, 2023
- #90
A few improvement ideas to offer a better experience :
- link to chat items
- add response in thread
- render markdown
- chat store is based on year/month/day folders. Is it UTC ? local time display ...
- bourgeoa
- 3
- Opened on Jan 18, 2023
- #89
cannot save image with Append Error: Web error: 403 (All Required Access Modes Not Granted) on PUT of ...
- bourgeoa
- Opened on Jan 29, 2022
- #72
Note the gitter import imports a rich contactsin html. Check that it uses rdf:HTML and change it if necessary.
Before displaying rich text, be sure to sanitize the HTML to avoid, scripts etc etc etc, ...
- timbl
- Opened on Jan 15, 2021
- #55
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