- Connection: support streaming, and paralell ssh
Options: global options that can be used as defaults, such as the SSH transport, etc.
File: when using file_write, it seems that the existing attributes are not always preserved
Commands run through API functions should be silenced unless we're debugging. Basically, we need some kind of command tracing.
Have the command status as one line (single reporting), or like it is now (multiplexing)
We need the multiplexing support
Tmux sessions are nested within the same connection, and we need to have some kind of stateful part so that we absorb the detail by default. It's an interesting use case for logging.
- Automatically clears
paramiko.ssh_exception.BadHostKeyException: Host key for server '' does not match: got 'AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIFekt+4ctGPiY4PKB3V5okAOSdwRfHBfOmiYrX5/I8lk', expected 'AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIKAoGchYME9rbBRTfwq1upldReXfh7oAiLa4BgBBem5n'