diff --git a/py/minimint/mist_interpolator.py b/py/minimint/mist_interpolator.py index 82c6a9b..30e3b10 100644 --- a/py/minimint/mist_interpolator.py +++ b/py/minimint/mist_interpolator.py @@ -171,7 +171,6 @@ def writer(url, pref): fdout.write(fd.read()) fdout.close() fd.close() - fname_out = os.path.basename(fname_out) if os.name == 'nt': fname_out1 = fname_out.replace('.txz', '.tar') cmd = (f'cd /d {pref} && ' @@ -180,12 +179,8 @@ def writer(url, pref): else: cmd = f'cd {pref}; tar xfJ {fname_out}' ret = subprocess.run(cmd, capture_output=True, shell=True, timeout=60) - fname_out2 = fname_out1.replace('.tar', '') - aa = glob.glob(os.path.join(pref, fname_out2, '*')) print(cmd, fname_out, fname_out1, ret.stdout.decode() + ret.stderr.decode()) - print((aa)) - assert len(aa) > 0 # ret = subprocess.run(cmd, shell=True, timeout=60) if ret.returncode != 0: raise RuntimeError('Failed to untar the files' +