is a CLI that talks to the Bootstrapper API and performs the Ansible tasks via the API.
####Supported Endpoints
launch-ec2 (Launches EC2 instances with/without EIP/Public IP)
Create/List ASG launch config's based on the Env
bootstrap (Bootstrapping the server via Ansible Playbook and Roles)
codeupdate (Performs Prod/Staging Code update via Ansible Playbook)
adhoc (Run's adhoc commands on the nodes)
result (Displays status of the Queued job in Bootstrapper)
$ python install
####CLI Options
bootstrappercli -h
usage: bootstrappercli [-h] {bootstrap,codeupdate,adhoc,adhocj,result} ...
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
Valid Endpoints
additional help
* launch-ec2
bootstrappercli launch-ec2 -h
usage: bootstrappercli launch-ec2 [-h] -I INSTANCE_TYPE -r ROLE -i IP [-e ENV] -P
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
EC2 Instance Type
-r ROLE, --role ROLE Role EC2 Tag Value
-i IP, --ip IP Last Two Octects of the Private IP
-e ENV, --env ENV Inventory ENV
-P PUBLIC, --public PUBLIC
Public IP for instance, values are True/False
* bootstrap
bootstrappercli bootstrap -h
usage: bootstrappercli bootstrap [-h] -r ROLE -H HOST
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-r ROLE, --role ROLE Ansible Roles
-H HOST, --host HOST Host info (fqdn, ip, pattern)
-e ENV, --env ENV Inventory ENV
* codeupdate
bootstrappercli codeupdate -h
usage: bootstrappercli codeupdate [-h] -t TAG
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-t TAG, --tag TAG Ansible playbook Tag
-e ENV, --env ENV Inventory ENV
* adhoc
bootstrappercli adhoc -h
usage: bootstrappercli adhoc [-h] -H HOST -m MODULE [-a ARGS] [-e ENV]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-H HOST, --host HOST Host info (fqdn, ip, pattern)
-m MODULE, --module MODULE
Ansible Module
-a ARGS, --args ARGS Ansible Module Args
-e ENV, --env ENV Inventory ENV
* inventory
bootstrappercli inventory -h
usage: bootstrappercli inventory [-h] -p PATTERN [-e ENV]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-p PATTERN, --pattern PATTERN
Inventory Search Pattern
-e ENV, --env ENV Inventory ENV
* result
bootstrappercli result -h
usage: bootstrappercli result [-h] -j JID
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-j JID, --jid JID Job ID
$ adhocj -H tag_Role_vpmtr -m ping -e dev
$ result -j a559263b-ced6-468d-9b00-eb96257f4ed9 -e dev
{"dark": {}, "contacted": {"": {"invocation": {"module_name": "ping", "module_args": ""}, "changed": false, "ping": "pong"}}}
➜ ~ bootstrappercli launch-ec2 -I t2.micro -r test -i 1.249 -e dev -P True
Job Queued Successfully. JobID bbff212b-a267-4380-b6c6-58322e89549b
➜ ~ bootstrappercli result -j bbff212b-a267-4380-b6c6-58322e89549b
➜ ~ bootstrappercli inventory -p tag_Role_test -e dev
Note: Currently bootstrappercli doesnt support Security Group creation, so a valid security group must exists for the role`