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269 lines (232 loc) · 19.9 KB

File metadata and controls

269 lines (232 loc) · 19.9 KB


0.15 to never

Libraries and extension dependencies are not required now. You must install them if you need. This make sense for:

  • "Authorizenet.NET"
  • "PayPal REST API"
  • "Klarna Checkout"
  • "Klarna Invoice"
  • "Stripe"
  • "Payex"

0.14 to 0.15

  • [order] The method getCreditCard was added to OrderInterface interface.
  • [klarna-checkout] CreateOrderAction and UpdateOrderAction do not do fetch any more.
  • Payment class deprecated and will be removed in 0.15. Use Gateway.
  • PaymentInterface interface deprecated and will be removed in 0.15. Use GatewayInterface.
  • PaymentFactoryInterface interface deprecated and will be removed in 0.15. Use GatewayFactoryInterface.
  • PaymentFactory class deprecated and will be removed in 0.15. Use GatewayFactory.
  • PaymentAwareInterface interface deprecated and will be removed in 0.15. Use GatewayAwareInterface.
  • PaymentFactoryRegistryInterface interface deprecated and will be removed in 0.15. Use GatewayFactoryRegistryInterface.
  • Use GatewayFactoryRegistryInterface::getGatewayFactory method instead of PaymentRegistryInterface::getPaymentFactory.
  • Use GatewayFactoryRegistryInterface::getGatewayFactories method instead of PaymentRegistryInterface::getPaymentFactories.
  • PaymentRegistryInterface interface deprecated and will be removed in 0.15. Use GatewayRegistryInterface.
  • Use GatewayRegistryInterface::getGateway method instead of PaymentRegistryInterface::getPayment.
  • Use GatewayRegistryInterface::getGateways method instead of PaymentRegistryInterface::getPayments.
  • PaymentConfigInterface interface deprecated and will be removed in 0.15. Use GatewayConfigInterface.
  • PaymentConfig class deprecated and will be removed in 0.15. Use GatewayConfig.
  • PaymentConfig::getPaymentName and related property renamed to GatewayConfig::getGatewayName.
  • Order class deprecated and will be removed in 0.15. Use Payment.
  • OrderInterface interface deprecated and will be removed in 0.15. Use PaymentInterface.
  • Payum\AuthorizeNet\Aim\PaymentFactory renamed to AuthorizeNetAimGatewayFactory.
  • Payum\Core\Bridge\Symfony\Form\Type\PaymentConfigType renamed to GatewayConfigType.
  • Payum\Core\Bridge\Symfony\Form\Type\PaymentFactoriesChoiceType renamed to GatewayFactoriesChoiceType.
  • [doctrine] PaymentConfig::paymentName property renamed to gatewayName. You have to migrate your database.
  • [doctrine] Token::paymentName property renamed to gatewayName. You have to migrate your database.
  • [doctrine] Order renamed to Payment. Database schema was changed. You have to migrate your database.
  • [doctrine] The currencyDigitsAfterDecimalPoint property removed from ORM\ODM schema.
  • [propel] PaymentConfig::paymentName property renamed to gatewayName. You have to migrate your database.
  • [propel] Token::paymentName property renamed to gatewayName. You have to migrate your database.
  • [propel] Order renamed to Payment. Database schema was changed. You have to migrate your database.
  • [propel] The currencyDigitsAfterDecimalPoint property removed from schema.
  • [be2bill] Method Api::prepareOnsitePayment was renamed to Api::prepareOffsitePayment.
  • [action] Action CaptureOrderAction was renamed to CapturePaymentAction.
  • [action] Actions FillOrderDetailsAction removed. Use ConvertPaymentAction ones instead.
  • [request] Request FillOrderDetails removed. Use Convert one instead.
  • [model] The method PaymentInterface::getCurrencyDigitsAfterDecimalPoint was removed. Use GetCurrency::getIso4217 request method to get same info.
  • [storage] StorageInterface::findBy returned value is changed. It was a model or null now it is always an array.
  • [extension] The method ExtensionInterface::onReply was removed. Use ExtensionInterface::onPostExecute and check whether context contains reply or not.
  • [extension] The method ExtensionInterface::onException was removed. Use ExtensionInterface::onPostExecute and check whether context contains exception or not.
  • [extension] The method ExtensionInterface::onPreExecute signature was changed. Now it takes instance of Context.
  • [extension] The method ExtensionInterface::onExecute signature was changed. Now it takes instance of Context.
  • [extension] The method ExtensionInterface::onPostExecute signature was changed. Now it takes instance of Context.

0.13 to 0.14

  • [registry] PaymentRegistryInterface::getDefaultPaymentName method was removed.
  • [registry] PaymentRegistryInterface::getPayment the argument name is always required.
  • [registry] AbstractRegistry::__construct third $defaultPayment argument was removed.
  • [storage] A new method StorageInterface::findBy was added.

0.12 to 0.13

  • [request] markSuspended method added to GetStatusInterface interface.
  • [omnipay-bridge] Omnipay bridge is not shipped with payum\payum code any more. Install it separatly by requiring payum/omnipay-bridge package.
  • [paypal-pro] Remove PaymentDetails class.
  • [paypal-pro] Remove Request and Response classes. Use ones from Buzz.
  • [paypal-pro] Remove trxtype option from api.
  • [paypal-pro] Rename Api::doPayment to Api::doSale. Change the first argument now it is array and the method returns array too.
  • [be2bill] Api constructor arguments order was changed. Second argument options is now first, and the client now is second and optional.
  • [paypal-ipn] Api constructor arguments order was changed. Second argument options is now first, and the client now is second and optional.
  • [paypal-pro] Api constructor arguments order was changed. Second argument options is now first, and the client now is second and optional.
  • [payment] Method PaymentInterface::addApi was removed from interface, still available in Payment class.
  • [payment] Method PaymentInterface::addAction was removed from interface, still available in Payment class.
  • [payment] Method PaymentInterface::addExtension was removed from interface, still available in Payment class.
  • [storage] Method StorageInterface::createModel was renamed to create.
  • [storage] Method StorageInterface::supportModel was renamed to support.
  • [storage] Method StorageInterface::updateModel was renamed to update.
  • [storage] Method StorageInterface::deleteModel was renamed to delete.
  • [storage] Method StorageInterface::findModelById was renamed to find.
  • [storage] Method StorageInterface::getIdentificator was renamed to identify.
  • [storage] Method StorageInterface::findByIdentificator was removed. Use find method instead.
  • [storage] Class Identificator was deprecated. Use Identity instead.
  • [factory] Payment factories were changed significantly. Now they implements PaymentFactoryInterface and therefor have to accept only array of options as first argument.
  • [be2bill] Action CaptureOnsiteAction was renamed to CaptureOffsiteAction.
  • [be2bill] Factory OnsitePaymentFactory was renamed to OffsitePaymentFactory.
  • [be2bill] Factory PaymentFactory was renamed to DirectPaymentFactory.
  • [stripe] Factory PaymentFactory was splitted into two: JsPaymentFactory and CheckoutPaymentFactory.

0.11 to 0.12

  • [refund] createRefundToken was added to AbstractGenericTokenFactory.
  • [request] BaseModelAware request was renamed to Generic.
  • [request] SecuredInterface allows to return a null on getToken method call.
  • [request] SecuredAuthorize request was removed. The removed logic is now in Authorize request, so use it.
  • [request] SecuredNotify request was removed. The removed logic is now in Notify request, so use it.
  • [request] SecuredCapture request was removed. The removed logic is now in Capture request, so use it.
  • [request] Notify request does not contains notification array any more. You have to execute $this->payment->execute($httpRequest = new GetHttpRequest);.
  • [request] GetHumanStatus::STATUS_SUCCESS was removed. Use STATUS_CAPTURED from the same class.
  • [request] GetHumanStatus::markSuccess method was removed. Use markCaptured from the same class.
  • [request] GetHumanStatus::isSuccess method was removed. Use isCaptured from the same class.
  • [request] GetBinaryStatus::STATUS_SUCCESS was removed. Use STATUS_CAPTURED from the same class.
  • [request] GetBinaryStatus::markSuccess method was removed. Use markCaptured from the same class.
  • [request] GetBinaryStatus::isSuccess method was removed. Use isCaptured from the same class.
  • [request] SecuredInterface was moved to Security namespace and renamed to TokenAggregateInterface.
  • [request] ModelAwareInterface was moved to Model namespace and split into two: ModelAwareInterface and ModelAggregateInterface.
  • [bridge][symfony] Minimum required version is 2.3.
  • [action] ExecuteSameRequestWithModelDetailsAction does sub execute even for empty details.
  • [offline] Payum\Offline\Constains::STATUS_SUCCESS was removed. Use STATUS_CAPTURED from the same class.
  • [klarna-checkout] GlobalStateSafeConnector was removed use Config instead.
  • [klarna-checkout] CaptureAction was renamed to AuthorizeAction as it is what it really means.
  • [klarna-checkout] The previous success status now means authorized.

0.11.0 to 0.11.7

  • [payment] The injection of apis and payment to an action was moved to execute method. So there maybe a slight BC break if you depend on invalid exceptions thrown when api or payment not set correctly.

0.10 to 0.11

  • [request] Postfix Request was removed. For example CaptureRequest become Capture.
  • [request] SimpleStatusRequest was renamed to GetHumanStatus.
  • [request] BinaryMaskStatusRequest was renamed to GetBinaryStatus.
  • [request] All interactive request were replaced by reply concept. Moved to Reply namespace and renamed. For example Request\Http\RedirectUrlInteractiveRequest become Reply\HttpRedirect.
  • [extension] The method onInteractiveRequest was renamed to onReply. The first parameter has to be an instance of ReplyInterface.
  • [security] Method createAuthorizeToken method was added to GenericTokenInterface.
  • [security] New argument authorizePath was added to AbstractGenericTokenFactory and GenericTokenFactory.
  • [security][symfony] New argument authorizePath was added to TokenFactory from Symfony's bridge.

0.9 to 0.10

  • [request] Class GetHttpQueryRequest was removed use GetRequestRequest instead.
  • [request] Class PostRedirectUrlInteractiveRequest was moved to sub namespace Http.
  • [request] Class RedirectUrlInteractiveRequest was moved to sub namespace Http.
  • [request] Class ResponseInteractiveRequest was moved to sub namespace Http.
  • [doctrine][orm] The column name array was renamed to details in mapping xml for ArrayObject class. You have to take care of the migration in your app code.
  • [doctrine][mongodb] The field name array was renamed to details in mapping xml for ArrayObject class. You have to take care of the migration in your app code.
  • [paypal ec] Api constructor arguments order was changed. Second argument options is now first, and the client now is second and optional.
  • [paypal ec] Api methods which used FormRequest as argument now accept an array.
  • [paypal ec] Api methods which returned Response now return an array.
  • [paypal ec] Class Payum\Paypal\ExpressCheckout\Nvp\Bridge\Buzz\Response was removed.
  • [paypal ec] Class Payum\Paypal\ExpressCheckout\Nvp\Exception\HttpResponseAckNotSuccessException was removed.

0.8 to 0.9

  • [model] Method CreditCardInterface::getCardHolder renamed to getHolder
  • [model] Method CreditCardInterface::setCardHolder renamed to setHolder
  • [model] CreditCardInterface getters does not return SensitiveValue anymore. It is used only internally.
  • [model] Methods getExpiryMonth, setExpiryMonth, getExpiryYear, setExpiryYear removed. Use setExpiredAt and getExpiredAt instead.
  • [be2bill] PaymentFactory does not provide support of onsite payments. Use OnsitePaymentFactory instead.
  • [omnipay] Switch to Omnipay v2.x.
  • [omnipay] Rename CaptureAction to OnsiteCaptureAction. It would not support credit card payments. Use new CaptureAction for such payments.
  • [request] UserInputRequiredInteractiveRequest request was removed.
  • [registry] StorageRegistryInterface::getDefaultStorageName method was removed.
  • [registry] StorageRegistryInterface::getStorageForClass renamed to getStorage. Do not take second argument any more.
  • [registry] StorageRegistryInterface::getStorages does not take any arguments any more.

0.8.5 to 0.8.6

  • [Security] Second argument of GenericTokenFactory::createNotifyToken is optional now.

0.7 to 0.8

  • [Registry] Registry::registerStorageExtensions method was removed. the logic of the method is done internally.

0.6 to 0.7

  • [Composer] All repositories were merged to payum\payum one. If you need only core change it to payum\core
  • All classes they were previously in Payum namespace moved to Payum\Core one.
  • PaymentRegistryInterface::getPayments method is added.
  • PaymentInterface::addApi method signature was changed. Now it takes second argument forcePrepend.
  • [Be2Bill][Doctrine] Payum\Be2Bill\Bridge\Doctrine\Entity\PaymentDetails is removed.
  • [Be2Bill][Model] Payum\Be2Bill\Model\PaymentDetails is removed.
  • [Payex][Doctrine] Payum\Payex\Bridge\Doctrine\Entity\PaymentDetails is removed.
  • [Payex][Doctrine] Payum\Payex\Bridge\Doctrine\Entity\AgreementDetails is removed.
  • [Payex][Model] Payum\Payex\Model\PaymentDetails is removed.
  • [Payex][Model] Payum\Payex\Model\AgreementDetails is removed.
  • [AuthorizeNet][Model] Payum\AuthorizeNet\Aim\Model\PaymentDetails is removed.
  • [Paypal ExpressCheckout][Model] BaseModel was removed.
  • [Paypal ExpressCheckout][Model] Payum\Paypal\ExpressCheckout\Nvp\Model\PaymentDetails was removed.
  • [Paypal ExpressCheckout][Model] Payum\Paypal\ExpressCheckout\Nvp\Model\RecurringPaymentDetails was removed.
  • [Paypal ExpressCheckout][Doctrine] Payum\Paypal\ExpressCheckout\Nvp\Bridge\Doctrine\Entity\PaymentDetails was removed.
  • [Paypal ExpressCheckout][Doctrine] Payum\Paypal\ExpressCheckout\Nvp\Bridge\Doctrine\Entity\RecurringPaymentDetails was removed.
  • [Paypal ExpressCheckout][Doctrine] Payum\Paypal\ExpressCheckout\Nvp\Bridge\Doctrine\Document\PaymentDetails was removed.
  • [Paypal ExpressCheckout][Doctrine] Payum\Paypal\ExpressCheckout\Nvp\Bridge\Doctrine\Document\RecurringPaymentDetails was removed.

0.6.2 to 0.6.3

  • [Storage] AbstractStorage::findModelByIdentificator does more strict model class comparison now. Only same classes are allowed. Subclasses not allowed any more.

0.5 to 0.6

  • [Doctrine] TokenizedDetails mapping schema was updated. details field is now accept NULL.
  • [Doctrine] TokenizedDetails entity was deprecated use Token instead.
  • [Doctrine] TokenizedDetails mapping changed. The field token was renamed to hash.
  • [Model] TokenizedDetails::token property was removed use hash one instead.
  • [Security] Random class was moved to Payum\Security namespace.
  • [Security] TokenizedDetails model was deprecated use Token instead.
  • [Security] The default token generated in TokenizedDetails::__constructor not include time() any more.
  • [Storage] The method Storage::supportModel accepts only model object. Support of model class was removed.
  • [Storage] The method Storage::findModelByIdentificator was added to storage interface.
  • [Request] CaptureTokenizedDetailsRequest was deprecated use SecuredCaptureRequest instead.
  • [Request] NotifyTokenizedDetailsRequest was deprecated use SecuredNotifyRequest instead.

0.4 to 0.5

  • A method getIdentificator was added to StorageInterface interface.
  • StorageExtension not using scalar as model id any more. Use Identificator object instead.
  • [Paypal ExpressCheckout][Doctrine] PaymentDetails mapping schema was updated. Two fields added: returnurl, cancelurl.

0.3 to 0.4

  • Method StatusInterface::markInProgress renamed to StatusInterface::markPending
  • Method StatusInterface::isInProgress renamed to StatusInterface::isPending
  • StatusInterface introduce two new statuses: expired and suspended.
  • BinaryMaskStatusRequest::STATUS_IN_PROGRESS renamed to BinaryMaskStatusRequest::STATUS_PENDING
  • PaymentInstructionAggregateInterface class renamed to DetailsAggregateInterface
  • DetailsAggregateInterface class moved to Payum\Model namespace
  • DetailsAggregateInterface::getPaymentInstruction renamed to DetailsAggregateInterface::getDetails
  • PaymentInstructionAwareInterface class renamed to DetailsAwareInterface
  • DetailsAwareInterface class moved to Payum\Model namespace
  • DetailsAwareInterface::setPaymentInstruction renamed to DetailsAwareInterface::setDetails
  • ActionApiAwareInterface interface was deleted. Use combination of ActionInterface and ApiAwareInterface instead.
  • ActionPaymentAwareInterface interface was deleted. Use combination og ActionInterface and PaymentAwareInterface instead.
  • Action ActionPaymentAware was renamed to PaymentAwareAction.
  • Exception HttpResponseStatusNotSuccessfulException was removed. Use HttpException instead.
  • HttpException constructor signature changed. Now it is like any other basic exception.
  • [Authorize.Net AIM] PaymentInstruction was renamed to PaymentDetails and moved to Model namespace.
  • [Be2Bill] PaymentInstruction model was renamed to PaymentDetails and moved to Model namespace.
  • [Be2Bill][Doctrine]PaymentInstruction entity was renamed to PaymentDetails.
  • [Paypal ExpressCheckout] PaymentInstruction was renamed to PaymentDetails and moved to Model namespace.
  • [Paypal ExpressCheckout][Doctrine] PaymentDetails mapping schema was updated. Two fields added: l_billingtypennn, l_billingagreementdescriptionnnn
  • [Paypal ProCheckout] PaymentInstruction model was renamed to PaymentDetails and moved to Model namespace.

0.2 to 0.3

  • The Payment::execute method signature changed. Now you have to explicitly set when to catch interactive requests or not.
  • InteractiveRequest renamed to BaseInteractiveRequest.
  • A method supportModel was added to StorageInterface.
  • NullStorage was removed.
  • [Authorize.Net AIM] Remove fillRequest method from PaymentInstruction.
  • [Authorize.Net AIM] Remove updateFromResponse method from PaymentInstruction.
  • [Authorize.Net AIM] Payment class was removed use Payum\Payment instead.
  • [Be2Bill] Remove toParams and fromParams from PaymentInstruction class.
  • [Be2Bill] Payment class was removed use Payum\Payment instead.
  • [Paypal ExpressCheckout] Remove toNvp and fromNvp from PaymentInstruction class.
  • [Paypal ExpressCheckout] Payment class was removed use Payum\Payment instead.

0.1 to 0.2

  • ModelInterface interface was removed.
  • PaymentInstructionInterface interface was removed.
  • CreatePaymentInstructionRequest class was removed.
  • InstructionAwareInterface moved to Payum namespace.
  • InstructionAwareInterface renamed to PaymentInstructionAwareInterface
  • InstructionAwareInterface::setInstruction renamed to PaymentInstructionAwareInterface::setPaymentInstruction
  • InstructionAggregateInterface moved to Payum namespace.
  • InstructionAggregateInterface renamed to PaymentInstructionAggregateInterface
  • InstructionAggregateInterface::getInstruction renamed to PaymentInstructionAggregateInterface::getPaymentInstruction
  • SimpleSell class was removed.
  • Remove Model prefix from Storages.
  • Change Storages namespace. It was Payum\Domain\Storage\XXX now Payum\Storage\XXX.
  • [Authorize.Net AIM] CaptureAction now supports only CaptureRequest with the PaymentInstruction in it.
  • [Authorize.Net AIM] StatusAction now supports only StatusAction with the PaymentInstruction in it.
  • [Be2Bill] CaptureAction now supports only CaptureRequest with the PaymentInstruction in it.
  • [Be2Bill] StatusAction now supports only StatusAction with the PaymentInstruction in it.
  • [Paypal ExpressCheckout] SyncRequest was moved to core lib.