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shaneharter edited this page May 20, 2012 · 4 revisions


Versions 1.0, 1.1, 2.0

Logging: What and Why

The value of logging in a headless, long-running application is obvious. In our experience, they serve as error log, debugging tool and audit trail.

We've built prototype branches that integrate Log4php and Zend Framework log into the library but as of 2.0 we've continued to ship with a very simple, one-method logging routine. Currently there are no lines of 3rd party code in use in the library (aside from PHP Extensions of course) and we'd need a very compelling reason to change that.

Deconstructing the log() method

public function log($message, $is_error = false, $label = '')

The Core_Daemon::log() method has a simple job and a simple (if slightly obtuse) implementation: Accept a string and print a formatted log entry.

The second, $is_error parameter, is only used to dispatch an ON_ERROR message. There's nothing listening to that event at the library level, it exists entirely to give you the option of integrating error codes / error handlers for catchable application errors.

The final parameter is used by Workers and Plugins to identify the source of the message to make the combined log file easier to comprehend.

Logging Messages in your Application

The first time the log() method is called, it calls the log_file() (abstract) method and opens a resource handle to the file. The return value from the log_file() method is not validated and anything PHP will accept in an fopen() call is acceptable output. You can see examples of a simple log rotator implemented in the ExampleWorkers daemon.

If the application cannot write to the log file specified for any reason, or if you pass the -v Verbose Mode flag at the command line, the daemon will also write the log messages to stdout. In daemon mode this is often useful but during development it avoids the 2 second delay you see when you tail -f a log file.

Multiple Processes

If you're using Workers or forked tasks in your application, all processes will write in chronological order to the same log file, as you can see in the sample excerpted below. Notice the different PID.

Logging From your Workers

You can read more about this in the Worker API Implementation Guide.

Line Breaks

You can easily write formatted text and multi-line messages to the log without sacrificing readability. Messages are automatically split at PHP_EOL and written to the log file one-by-one. You can also use this to your benefit if you want to log two discrete messages in a single log() call.

You can see an example of formatted, multi-line logging by using the kill -10 signal to write runtime information to the log:

Date                  PID   Label         Message
[2012-05-16 13:00:24] 16599              ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[2012-05-16 13:00:24] 16599              Application Runtime Statistics
[2012-05-16 13:00:24] 16599              ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[2012-05-16 13:00:24] 16599              Loop Interval:        1
[2012-05-16 13:00:24] 16599              Restart Interval:     86400
[2012-05-16 13:00:24] 16599              Start Time:           1337198266 (2012-05-16 12:57:46)
[2012-05-16 13:00:24] 16599              Duration:             158 (2m 38s)
[2012-05-16 13:00:24] 16599              Log File:             /media/shared/projects/PHP-Daemon/logs/log_20120516
[2012-05-16 13:00:24] 16599              Daemon Mode:          No
[2012-05-16 13:00:24] 16599              Shutdown Signal:      No
[2012-05-16 13:00:24] 16599              Verbose Mode:         Yes
[2012-05-16 13:00:24] 16599              Role:                 Parent
[2012-05-16 13:00:24] 16599              Loaded Plugins:       Lock_File, settings
[2012-05-16 13:00:24] 16599              Loaded Workers:       PrimeNumbers 1342197841 [AVAILABLE], GetFactors 1191202898 [AVAILABLE],
[2012-05-16 13:00:24] 16599              Memory:               30670848 (29.25M)
[2012-05-16 13:00:24] 16599              Peak Memory:          30670848 (59.50M)
[2012-05-16 13:00:24] 16599              Current User:         sharter
[2012-05-16 13:00:24] 16599              Priority:             0
[2012-05-16 13:00:24] 16599              Loop duration, idle:  0.097553931342231, 0.90244606865777 (Mean Seconds)

Fatal Errors

The Core_Daemon::fatal_error() method does exactly what it says it does -- but it's worth mentioning here that the first argument passed to the method is expected to be a string log message and is passed to log() as the daemon is shut-down in response to the error condition.


  1. Remember that your log_file() method is called once, the first time a message is logged. If you're trying to rotate messages very strictly by date or time you will experience issues with that. For example, the ExampleWorkers daemon uses date('Ymd') in the log_file() method to rotate logs daily. If the daemon is started at 05:00:00 on May 15, and is set to auto-restart every day, messages logged from 00:00:00-04:59:59 on May 16th will be written, cached file handle, to the 20120515 log file.

  2. If you use the error handlers distributed with the library, note that your application will be writing messages and runtime errors thru this log() method while PHP errors are written to whatever log file you've specified in the php.ini error_log setting.

  3. If you are using the Worker debug console (--debugworkers option), it will disable verbose mode to prevent interference.

Sample Logfile Output

Date                  PID   Label         Message
[2012-05-16 22:51:33] 17403 GetFactors    Job 327 Is Complete
[2012-05-16 22:51:34] 17403 PrimeNumbers  Job 403 Is Running
[2012-05-16 22:51:34] 17403 PrimeNumbers  Job 403 to primes_among() Complete
[2012-05-16 22:51:34] 17403 PrimeNumbers  Return. Among [5, 25, 41, 205, 1025, 3343, 16715, 83575, 137063, 685315], Primes Are [5, 41, 3343]
[2012-05-16 22:51:34] 17403 PrimeNumbers  Job 403 Is Complete
[2012-05-16 22:51:34] 17403 GetFactors    Job 328 Is Running
[2012-05-16 22:51:35] 17403 GetFactors    Return: 9032115 has 6 factors
[2012-05-16 22:51:35] 17403 GetFactors    Finding Prime Factors
[2012-05-16 22:51:35] 17648 PrimeNumbers  Looking for primes among 6 items between 3 and 3010705
[2012-05-16 22:51:35] 17403 GetFactors    Job 328 Is Complete
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