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A simple react-native cli wrapper to make some of the trivial native tasks simpler and easier.

  1. Use configuration instead of making changes to native code.
  2. Make it easier to release apps for android as well as iOS. Ready to deploy on Play Store and App Store.
  3. Make react-native project yarn workspaces friendly.
  4. Provide a Splash screen for android as well.

WARNING: This utility still needs a lot more testing with different use cases. It is however directly compatilbe with react-native cli, so you can always revert back to using react-native cli any time. Uses react-native version 0.56 while creating new project, but the utility should work with prior react-native verions as well. Read below for instructions


$ npm install -g react-native-foundation


$ yarn global add react-native-foundation


New Project

$ foundation create <ProjectName>

This command works similar to react-native init except that the project will not include the native sources, but a foundation.config.js file, which could be used to configure the most trivial native configurations.

$ foundation run-android
$ foundation run-ios

This command will build the native code and publish the app on the connected device (simulator) for development purpose. These command delegate their task to their respective react-native commands, but before doing that, they make changes to the native code, to reflect back the configuration.

$ foundation start

This command will start the packager, making sure that you are able to run them with or without the native codes. It just needs an index.js to serve. Will work even without a valid node package.json.

$ foundation create-native

You will almost always need to change the native code specially when it comes to shipping. This command will create native source android and ios on your workspace (yarn). Note that if you have multiple react-native project on your yarn workspace there can only be one native source for all your react native project. This is most likely the usecase when you are working through a workspace. There isn't a workaround for this, and you will have to opt to multiple yarn workspaces if you need separate native codes.

Also checkout the nativeRepo configuration that allows you to maintain your own native repo, just make sure that you inherit your native repo from that provided by the foundation.

Native source changes

The native source for android and ios makes a few subtle changes to incorporate the configurations automatically.

  1. Android app/build.gradle - Read app specific confgiration from a json file dynamically.
  2. Android app/src/main/res/strings.xml - The display name is also provided and hence app_name has been removed.
  3. Android app/src/main/res/drawable/splash_background.xml SplashTheme has been added as a background for launch screen.
  4. Android app/src/main/res/values/styles.xml. SplashTheme using the Splash Background has been defined.
  5. Android app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml SplashActivity has been added with an Intent to Launch. MainActivity uses SplashTheme as background. Just make sure your app renders with a background color to avoid showing the Splash Theme.
  6. Android ..../ Activity file for showing the Launch screen.
  7. iOS Uses CocoaPods to manage dependencies.
  8. iOS Foundation/AppDelegate.m is modified to display launch screen for an extended period, to avoid showing white screen when the javascript side loads. (Extracted from react-native pro-tip)
  9. iOS Uses PlistBuddy to change Foundation/Info.plist dynamically to update name, version, bundleId and build when building ios app.

Existing React Native Projects

The following changes need to be made to your native code in the react-native project, for the foundation commands to work.

For iOS

  1. Include foundation.config.js in the project root.
  2. Add ios specific configuration in the config file.
    ios: { scheme: '<RNProject>' }. The scheme name is typically what you used to create the React Native project. This should be the main folder inside ios and should have the same scheme available for building.
  3. foundation run-ios should now run the ios app on the simulator, foundation release-ios should generate ios app ready for publishing and foundation upload-ios should upload the app to the app store via iTunes connect.

For Android

  1. Include foundation.config.js in the project root.
  2. Edit android/app/build.gradle to update app information
    1. Add the following line on top
      def manifestJson = new groovy.json.JsonSlurper().parseText(file('../../build/manifest.json').text);
    2. Use manifestJson.bundleId for defaultConfig.applicationId.
    3. Use for defaultConfig.versionCode
    4. Use manifestJson.version for defaultConfig.versionName
    5. Include the following command somewhere inside defaultConfig
      resValue "string", "app_name", manifestJson.appName
  3. Edit android/app/src/main/res/values/strings.xml and remove the line that defines app name <string name="app_name">....</string>
  4. Remove any signing configuration that has been added to android/app/build.gradle. Provide the keystore file via the foundation.config.js. Otherwise release-android command might not work.
  5. foundation run-android should now build the android app as per foundation.config.js and foundation release-android should generate apk ready for publishing. Note that the run-android command will only create the apk, but will not be able to start the Activity (TODO).
  6. The splash screen won't be available with these changes. It's however pretty easy, if you check how it works. Will document it later.


  1. appName: The name of the app as displayed on your mobile
  2. bundleId: A unique id that identifies your app on play store or app store.
  3. version: A short text version name displayed on app store or play store.
  4. build: A version number or build number used by play store and app store to track the version of your app.
  5. launcher: A folder location that provides app launcher icons of all sizes. The folder should contain files for all phone resolutions which should be named as:
    • For android:
      • ic_launcher-mdpi.png
      • ic_launcher-hdpi.png
    • For ios:
      • ios-20@1x.png
      • ios-20@2x.png
      • ios-20@3x.png
      • ios-29@1x.png
      • ios-29@2x.png
      • ios-29@3x.png
      • ios-40@1x.png
      • ios-40@2x.png
      • ios-40@3x.png
      • ios-60@2x.png
      • ios-76@1x.png
      • ios-76@2x.png
      • ios-83.5@2x.png
      • ios-1024@1x.png
  6. splash: A folder location that provides splash icons for all screen sizes.
    • For android:
      • ic_splash-mdpi.png
      • ic_splash-hdpi.png
      • ic_splash-xhpi.png
      • ic_splash-xxhdpi.png
      • ic_splash-xxxhdpi.png
    • For ios:
      • ios-splash@1x.png
      • ios-splash@2x.png
      • ios-splash@3x.png
  7. nativeRepo: You can build your custom native repo and use it instead of the stock foundation repo. Just make sure your native repo supports foundation.
  8. android: Android specific configuration. This can include all the above configurations except nativeRepo additionally provide:
    • keyStore: Path to android key store file required for signing your app for releasing to Google Play Store.
  9. ios: iOS specific configuration. This can override all the above configuratios except nativeRepo additionaly provide:
    • teamId: The 10 character Apple team id available on your apple developer account.
    • developerId: The user id to login to your Apple developer account for publishing.

You could also use the Sketch App Template for the launcher and splash icons.

Config Example


module.exports = {
  appName: 'Name of the app',
  bundleId: '', // Identity of your app on play store or app store
  build: 10, // An incremental build number (android version code or ios Build
  version: '1.3.0', // A version text

  android: {
    keyStore: '~/secrets/my-apps-key.keystore'
  ios: {
    teamId: '1234567890', // You 10 character team id
    developerId: '', // Your developer account id,


You can easily release your app to Google Play Store and Apple App Store with simple commands.


$ foundation release-android

With proper configuration, this command will generate an apk ready to upload for Google Play Store. Make sure you have properly configured your foundation.config.js with sigining keys.


$ foundation release-ios

This command will generate ipa files that are ready to be deployed for app store. Make sure to include your teamId in configuration.

$ foundation upload-ios

This command will use your apple developer account and submit the app for review on app store. Make sure to include your developerId (email address) in configuration.

Points to consider while releasing

  1. If you are working with yarn workspaces. Make sure:
    • The native libraries dependencies are also there on your workspace package.json, even if they have been added to your apps' package.json.
    • There is an index.js on your workspace root, which simply imports your targetted apps index.js. import './packages/your-app'. This is needed since the ios and android javascript bundling works relative to where your react-native package is installed.
    • If there is a .babelrc in your workspace root, make sure it has react-native as a preset. Also include babel-preset-react-native as dev dependency.
  2. Add release configurations in foundation.config.js.
    android.keyStore: Path to keystore required for app signing
    ios.teamId: The iOS team id for publishing your app
    ios.developerId: The apple developer id (email)
  3. Environment variables for setting password
    ANDROID_KEY_STORE_PASS: password required for reading the key store file.
    APPLER_DEVELOPER_PASS: password to apple developer account to publish app via itunes connect.
    If the passwords are not set, they would have to be provided during the release process

Additional commands

$ foundation info
Display information as per your configuration.

$ foundation info-ios
Display information considering ios platform.

$ foundation info-android
Display information considering android platform.


The react-native apps use Foundation as a default module name. So yes, in development mode you could use the same native app to load different apps being served by the metro bundler, and as long as there is no difference in react-native version or native modules, your app should load just fine.

It's actually one of the way to improve app development. Build one app with all your native dependencies. Deploy it on all your test devices. And run foundation start anywhere.