Winning project at HackBVP 2.0
Initially called sahay
In a country like India, where lane rules are not followed right and there's a huge issue of traffic, boarding a bus can be a huge problem; Especially for older and disabled people and children. Usually this happens because the driver is too lazy to bring the bus to the left side of the road, stop it at the station and then hope that someone would board the bus. People have to come down to the street and gesture to the driver that they want to board the bus for the driver to stop at the station.
Our app brings this process to the users' mobile phone while ensuring that the bus drivers ar performing their duties right. The user interface shows the user a map, with the real time location of all nearby buses as markers and the user can click on a marker and on the press of a button the driver will reciceve an alert on the driver's interface as a push notification that someone wants to board the bus, making them obligated to stop.
Our app would enable many more things, such as
- traffic rules obstruction: Bus drivers usually drive at speeds higher than they're allowed and that is very dangerous. Using the speed paramaeter in the google maps API, we can easily detect obstructions of traffic and narrow it down to the drivers who did them.
- if an alert was sent to a certain bus at a certain stop and the bus driver didn't stop at that station, we can detect that using the speed parameter and location of the bus at that time and log it in as a complain.