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File metadata and controls

138 lines (97 loc) · 4.99 KB

Use the AOT compiler to compile angular libraries suitable for AOT and JIT consumption.

  • Compile resources (HTML, CSS, SCSS etc..) through webpack loaders
  • Use same configuration for development and library production build.
  • Inline resources


The @ngtools/webpack package is built for webpack bundling and does not support the process of generating libraries for angular.

Library compilation has a specific process where each TS file is compiled to JS a file without bundling the output.

@angular/compiler-cli supports this mode. By using the proper configuration you can compile TS to JS for libraries with full AOT support.

The problem with using the @angular/compiler-cli is that it does not know about webpack, resources will not go through the loader chain and so using formats not supported the the angular cli will not work (SCSS, LESS etc).

Additionally, templareUrl and stylesUrls are left as is which is not suitable for libraries, they most be inlined into the sources code (JS) and the AOT generated metadata.json files.

ngc-webpack library mode allows AOT compilation from libraries through a CLI interface or directly using it via node API.


Using library mode, ngc-webpack will use webpack to pass all resources through the loader chain and passing the output to the angular AOT compiler. Using webpack ensures consistency, whatever loaders you used to build your demo app are also used to build the library.

ngc-webpack can also inline your resources to both JS output files and to the .metadata.json files generated by angular. Inlining is automatically applied based on your AOT configuration set on tsconfig

Library mode does not require specific configuration, it is configured using existing configuration in tsconfig and webpack.config.

The output is controlled by the tsconfig supplied.

ngc-webpack will inline all resources to both metadata.json files and js source code. If skipTemplateCodegen is set to false the compiler will emit source code for all resource in dedicated modules and so ngc-webpack will not perform the inline operation.


The examples refers to a typical library project structure where a demo app is used in development and consumes the library.

ngc-w --webpack webpack.config.packge.js

You'r webpack config should contain the loaders you use in your dev and prod builds and NgcWebpackPlugin instance must exists in the plugins collection.

The NgcWebpackPlugin instance option's tsConfigPath property should point to a tsconfig file that is properly set for library compilation.

Another options is to use the webpack config you are using for prod/dev with a command line param pointing at the tsconfig, ngc-webpack will replace the tsConfigPath in run time.

ngc-w --webpack -p tsconfig.package.json

Angular CLI library build:

Angular CLI does not support library builds out of the box but with some magic it is possible. As we now know, webpack is not used for bundling when compiling libraries so actually what we need is only the webpack configuration that the cli creates.

ngc-webpack invokes the cli and captures the configuration files and then uses it with a different tsconfig to build the library.

ngc-w-cli build -p tsconfig.package.json

We do not need to specify a webpack config, we get it from the cli but we do need to specify the build command so the cli will not complain. The tsconfig (-p) is not mandatory, if not set it is taken from the plugin but ofcourse this is not recommended so your will need to set it.

Node API:


For now, see the test (`cli.spec.ts)

tsconfig.json for library compilation

A tsconfig for library compilation is quite similar to your application configuration with some modification:

  • You can not use include, a specific files entry must be set with 1 ts module set at index 0 (and optional d.ts afterwards)

  • An outDir must be set, this is where the output of the compilation is saved

  • declaration should be set to true so d.ts files are shipped with your library.

  • angularCompilerOptions should be set for flat module output and other instructions:

  angularCompilerOptions: {
    annotateForClosureCompiler: true,
    skipMetadataEmit: false,
    skipTemplateCodegen: true,
    strictMetadataEmit: true,
    flatModuleOutFile: '',
    flatModuleId: 'my-lib'


Mono-repos are a great way to publish libraries under the same npm scope or as part of a big project.

ngc-webpack library mode can work well with monorepo setup, the trick with monorepo setup is configuration, especially paths

For a fully managed monorepo solution, integrated with the angular-cli you can use nrwl's Nx

For a custom setup, please take a look at angular-library-starter which has a setup running with the library mode of ngc-webpack