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PMW3360 PCB Pin Header

Front Back Layers

Online preview available here, powered by KiCanvas.

  • J1: 2.54mm pin header connector.
  • Mounting holes: 4x M3 (∅3.2mm).

PCB Characteristics

  • Copper layer count: 2
  • Board overall dimensions: 23.5 mm x 33 mm
  • Min track/spacing: 0.2 mm / 0.2 mm
  • Min hole diameter: 0.3 mm
  • Castellated pads: No
  • Plated board edge: No
  • Edge card connectors: No


[P.1.0] - 2023-10-07

  • Changed LDO from TPS73601DBV to TLV74318PDBVR.
  • Added PCBA info.
  • Update PCB silkscreen.

[P.0.0] - 2023-06-29

  • Update connector pin order.
  • Changed mounting holes to NPTH.
  • Reduce the board size to 23.5 x 33 mm.
  • Reserved RESET pin pull up resistor added.
  • Update PWM3360 footprint (reduce the size of the pads).

[2.1.0] - 2022-10-17

  • Align the optical len with the center of the board.
  • Resize the board to 26.162 x 35.052 mm.
  • Update PWM3360 footprint (reduce the size of the pads).

[2.0.0] - 2022-10-14

  • Changed LDO to TPS73601DBV.
  • Removed voltage-level shifter.

[1.0.0] - 2022-08-20

  • First release.