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Push Troubleshooting

Adam Jones edited this page May 8, 2017 · 2 revisions

The app is uninstalled so why do I still get a 200 status code when I push?

  • There can be a delay between when you uninstall an app and when Apple will give you back the 410 Uninstalled status code. Apple doesn't document what the actual delay is, however we have tested this and seen up to an hour delay. Others have seen as little as 10 mins.

  • Until you get a 410 Uninstalled response back, Apple will continue to give you a 200 which will look like the push went though (it didn't).

  • For Apple to mark old tokens as uninstalled, the app must still be uninstalled. So if for example you install, uninstall and re-install and then send a push, you will have two tokens which both appear to work and will both generate 200 status codes when pushed to.

  • If you're testing an app using the development push gateway and can't get a 410 back even after waiting for hours and hours, this maybe because you need at least one other push enabled development app installed on your device to maintain the connection with APNS. See Apple technical note here and Stack overflow issue here

  • Lastly, The timestamp you get back from Apple with the 410 is not the exact uninstall date, it's the last date/time that Apple determined that it could not reach the device.

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