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Plotting variations

These variations are all blurs that plot formulas in two or three dimensions. They allow entering custom formulas, but also come with presets for ease of use.


Isosurface plot (plots points where the value of a function is near zero).

Type: 3D blur (DC and colormap options)
Author: Andreas Maschke (thargor6)
Date: 6 Jan 2017

Note: Colormaps do not work in JWildfire 5.5 and earlier.

Parameter Description
formula The formula to use; it can use "x", "y", "z", and "param_a" through "param_f" as well as constants and standard math functions. Changing preset_id will overwrite it with the preset formula. (visual index)
colormap_filename The file containing the colormap used with color_modes 0-2
preset_id The preset to use; set to -1 to not use a preset
xmin, xmax The range for x in the iso formula; used to generate the plot
ymin, ymax The range for y in the iso formula; used to generate the plot
zmin, zmax The range for z in the iso formula; used to generate the plot
thickness Thickness of the surface; specifically, how close to 0 the value needs to be to be in the isosurface
max_iter Maximum times the variation will try to find a point in the isosurface
direct_color 0: Don't use direct color
1: Use direct color
color_mode The mode when using direct color
0: Use the specified colormap along x
1: Use the specified colormap along y
2: Use the specified colormap along z
3: Use the x value
4: Use the y value
5: Use the z value
6: Use x times y
7: Use y times z
8: Use z times x
9: Use x times y times z
blend_colormap Whether to blend colormap colors with surrounding colors (color_mode 0 only)
0: Don't blend colors
1: Blend colors
param_a through param_f Values that can be used by the formula to parameterize it; parameters not used in the formula are ignored

isosfplot3d_wf preset list


Build a mesh representation of mathematical knot.

Type: 3D mesh
Author: Jesus Sosa
Date: 22 Jan 2018

Knots3D uses one dimensional parametric equations to define the knots, so can be used to produce more general shapes. However, the parameter t is only evaluated between 0 and 2π. Basically, knots3D takes a line segment of length 2π, gives it thickness (controlled by the radius and facets parameters), and bends it into a knot using the formulas.

Parameter Description
xformula The formula to use for x; it returns the value for x, and can use "t" (the parametric value) and "param_a" through "param_h" as well as constants and standard math functions. Changing preset_id will overwrite it with the preset formula.
yformula The formula to use for y
zformula The formula to use for z
preset_id The preset to use; set to -1 to not use a preset (visual index)
steps The number of segments to use (steps for t between 0 and 2π); increase for finer resolution (but a larger mesh)
radius The radius of the line segments used to form the knot
facets The number of faces used for the line segments that form the knot; should be 2 (for a ribbon) or larger
param_a through param_h Values that can be used by the formula to parameterize it; parameters not used in the formula are ignored (most of the presets do not use parameters)
scale_x, scale_y, scale_z Scale factors for x, y, and z
offset_x, offset_y, offset_z Offset for the attractor curve
subdiv_level, subdiv_smooth_passes, subdiv_smooth_lambda, subdiv_smooth_mu Not used
blend_colormap Not used
displ_amount Not used
blend_displ_map Not used
receive_only_shadows If set to 1, and solid rendering is enabled, the mesh will be invisible but will show shadows that fall on it (hard shadows must be enabled to see any)

Wikipedia description of knots
Paul Bourke's Knots page
Jürgen Meier's Knots page (in German; used to develop this variation)


Parametric equation surface plot (2D surface plotted in three dimensions).

Type: 3D blur (but can be normal, DC and colormap options)
Author: Andreas Maschke (thargor6)
Date: 29 Nov 2016

Parameter Description
xformula The formula to use for x; it returns the value for x, and can use "u" and "v" (the parametric values) and "param_a" through "param_f" as well as constants and standard math functions. Changing preset_id will overwrite it with the preset formula. (visual index)
yformula The formula to use for y
zformula The formula to use for z
colormap_filename The file containing the colormap used with color_mode 0
displ_map_filename The file containing the displacement map
preset_id The preset to use; set to -1 to not use a preset
umin, umax The range for u, the first parametric value; used to generate the plot
vmin, vmax The range for v, the second parametric value; used to generate the plot
direct_color 0: Don't use direct color
1: Use direct color
color_mode The mode when using direct color
0: Use the specified colormap
1: Use the u value
2: Use the v value
3: Use u times v
blend_colormap Whether to blend colormap colors with surrounding colors (color_mode 0 only)
0: Don't blend colors
1: Blend colors
displ_amount Scaling for the displacement map; 0 to disable displacement
blend_displ_map Whether to blend values from the displacement map
0: Don't blend values
1: Blend values
solid 1: Generate u and v randomly (normal operation; variation is a blur)
0: Set u and v from input x and y (makes this a normal variation, more difficult to use)
param_a through param_f Values that can be used by the formula to parameterize it; parameters not used in the formula are ignored

parplot2d_wf preset list
Color and Displacment Variables Helpful Hints


Plot, in polar coordinates, rho in terms of theta, with 3D extrusion.

Type: 3D blur (DC and colormap options)
Author: Rick Sidwell
Date: 22 Apr 2020

Parameter Description
formula The formula to use; it returns the value for rho, and can use "t" (for theta) and "param_a" through "param_f" as well as constants and standard math functions. Changing preset_id will overwrite it with the preset formula.
colormap_filename The file containing the colormap used with color_mode 0
displ_map_filename The file containing the displacement map
preset_id The preset to use; set to -1 to not use a preset (visual index)
tmin, tmax The range for theta; used to generate the plot
rmin, rmax The range for rho, used only with color_mode 2; it does not constrain the plot, but set these parameters to the range of the plot for maximum color distribution when using color_mode 2
zmin, zmax The range for z; the plot will be extruded to these values in the z direction; set both to 0 to disable extrusion
direct_color 0: Don't use direct color
1: Use direct color
color_mode The mode when using direct color
0: Use the specified colormap
1: Use the theta value
2: Use the rho value
blend_colormap Whether to blend colormap colors with surrounding colors (color_mode 0 only)
0: Don't blend colors
1: Blend colors
displ_amount Scaling for the displacement map; 0 to disable displacement
blend_displ_map Whether to blend values from the displacement map
0: Don't blend values
1: Blend values
param_a through param_f Values that can be used by the formula to parameterize it; parameters not used in the formula are ignored

polarplot2d_wf preset list


Plot rho in terms of theta and phi (spherical coordinates) or theta and z (cylindrical coordinates).

Type: 3D blur (DC and colormap options)
Author: Rick Sidwell
Date: 22 Apr 2020

Parameter Description
formula The formula to use; it returns the value for rho, and can use "t" (for theta), "u" (for either phi or z) and "param_a" through "param_f" as well as constants and standard math functions. Changing preset_id will overwrite it with the preset formula.
colormap_filename The file containing the colormap used with color_mode 0
displ_map_filename The file containing the displacement map
preset_id The preset to use; set to -1 to not use a preset (visual index)
tmin, tmax The range for theta; used to generate the plot
umin, umax The range for u, representing phi or z; used to generate the plot
rmin, rmax The range for rho, used only with color_mode 3; it does not constrain the plot, but set these parameters to the range of the plot for maximum color distribution when using color_mode 3
cylindrical 0: Use spherical coordinates (u represents phi)
1: Use cylindrical coordinates (u represents z)
direct_color 0: Don't use direct color
1: Use direct color
color_mode The mode when using direct color
0: Use the specified colormap
1: Use the theta value
2: Use the u (for phi or z) value
3: use the rho value
4: Use a combination of theta and phi/z
blend_colormap Whether to blend colormap colors with surrounding colors (color_mode 0 only)
0: Don't blend colors
1: Blend colors
displ_amount Scaling for the displacement map; 0 to disable displacement
blend_displ_map Whether to blend values from the displacement map
0: Don't blend values
1: Blend values
param_a through param_f Values that can be used by the formula to parameterize it; parameters not used in the formula are ignored

polarplot3d_wf preset list


Plot y in terms of x, with 3D extrusion.

Type: 3D blur (DC and colormap options)
Author: Andreas Maschke (thargor6)
Date: 29 Nov 2016

Parameter Description
formula The formula to use; it returns the value for y, and can use "x" and "param_a" through "param_f" as well as constants and standard math functions. Changing preset_id will overwrite it with the preset formula.
colormap_filename The file containing the colormap used with color_mode 0
displ_map_filename The file containing the displacement map
preset_id The preset to use; set to -1 to not use a preset (visual index)
xmin, xmax The range for x; used to generate the plot
ymin, ymax The range for y, used only with color_mode 2; it does not constrain the plot, but set these parameters to the range of the plot for maximum color distribution when using color_mode 2
zmin, zmax The range for z; the plot will be extruded to these values in the z direction; set both to 0 to disable extrusion
direct_color 0: Don't use direct color
1: Use direct color
color_mode The mode when using direct color
0: Use the specified colormap
1: Use the x value
2: Use the y value
blend_colormap Whether to blend colormap colors with surrounding colors (color_mode 0 only)
0: Don't blend colors
1: Blend colors
displ_amount Scaling for the displacement map; 0 to disable displacement
blend_displ_map Whether to blend values from the displacement map
0: Don't blend values
1: Blend values
param_a through param_f Values that can be used by the formula to parameterize it; parameters not used in the formula are ignored

yplot2d_wf preset list
Color and Displacment Variables Helpful Hints


Plot y in terms of x and z.

Type: 3D blur (DC and colormap options)
Author: Andreas Maschke (thargor6)
Date: 29 Nov 2016

Parameter Description
formula The formula to use; it returns the value for y, and can use "x", "z", and "param_a" through "param_f" as well as constants and standard math functions. Changing preset_id will overwrite it with the preset formula.
colormap_filename The file containing the colormap used with color_mode 0
displ_map_filename The file containing the displacement map
preset_id The preset to use; set to -1 to not use a preset (visual index)
xmin, xmax The range for x; used to generate the plot
ymin, ymax The range for y, used only with color_mode 2; it does not constrain the plot, but set these parameters to the range of the plot for maximum color distribution when using color_mode 2
zmin, zmax The range for z; used to generate the plot
direct_color 0: Don't use direct color
1: Use direct color
color_mode The mode when using direct color
0: Use the specified colormap
1: Use the x value
2: Use the y value
blend_colormap Whether to blend colormap colors with surrounding colors (color_mode 0 only)
0: Don't blend colors
1: Blend colors
displ_amount Scaling for the displacement map; 0 to disable displacement
blend_displ_map Whether to blend values from the displacement map
0: Don't blend values
1: Blend values
param_a through param_f Values that can be used by the formula to parameterize it; parameters not used in the formula are ignored

yplot3d_wf preset list
Color and Displacment Variables Helpful Hints