Component document collects information about a single hardware block without expressing internal structure or hierarchy. Component document expressing following aspects:
- name, version
- top level ports
- parameter schema
- bus interfaces
- memory regions
- registers
- clocks, resets
- block generation flow
- references to implementation, documentation, tests
The information about the component ports has to be captured here:
component: {
model: {
ports: {
clk: 1, // <- input clk
wdata: 32, // <- input [31:0] wdata
rdata: -64, // <- output [31:0] rdata
If component block has bus interfaces this mapping can be expressed here:
component: {
busInterfaces: [{
name: 'ctrl',
interfaceMode: 'slave',
busType: {vendor: '', library: 'AMBA', name: 'AXI4', version: 'r0p0_0'},
abstractionTypes: [{
viewRef: 'RTLview',
portMaps: {
AWREADY: 't_ctrl_awready', // +
AWVALID: 't_ctrl_awvalid', // +
AWADDR: 't_ctrl_awaddr', // + width
component: {
memoryMaps: [{
component: {
memoryMaps: [{
name: 'CSR',
addressBlocks: [{
name: 'CSR0',
baseAddress: 0,
range: 1024, width: 32,
usage: 'register',
volatile: false, access: 'read-write',
registers: [{
name: 'ODATA',
addressOffset: 0, size: 32,
displayName: 'Output Data Register',
fields: [{
name: 'data', bitOffset: 0, bitWidth: 5
}, {
name: 'mask', bitOffset: 8, bitWidth: 8
Component with parameters has to provide JSON Schema description for these parameters.
component: {
pSchama: {