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132 lines (93 loc) · 6.04 KB


A thread-safe, Java HttpClient used to interface with the SimpleGeo Places, Context and Storage API. Both synchronous and asynchronous calls are provided.


Version 3.0 of this client is non-backwards compatible. Older versions of the client are still available by selecting a 1.x or 2.x tag from the drop down.

Changes from 2.0

  • Optional parameters are now truly optional. Instead of setting things to null or empty strings, optional parameters are to be specified in a HashMap<String, String[]>
  • Individual clients are no longer singletons. The use case didn't seem to fit everyone's needs, so we're leaving it up to you from now on whether you want that structure.
  • All return types are now Strings. These Strings are actually JSON and can be converted directly to JSONObject or JSONArray. Also, most data structures contain static methods that will convert the String to that structure for you.
  • Handlers have gone away. Previously we allowed specific handlers to be specified to format returned data for you. Now if you want to do this, simply use the appropriate fromJSONString method of the data structure you want with the resulting json String.
  • Querying by multiple categories, filtering by multiple sections in context, etc. is now fully supported. To query by multiple categories, simply populate the String array in your queryParams HashMap as so. HashMap<String, String[]> queryParams = new HashMap<String, String[]>(); queryParams.put("category", new String[] {"restaurant", "bar"});
  • Demographics searching for Context is also fully supported. Simply create a query parameter with type demographics.acs__table and add as many table names to the String[].
  • The entire project has been converted to Maven in order to help automate builds and documentation.

Adding to a Java project


If you're developing a Java project with Maven, adding the SimpleGeo jar to your project is super simple. Just add this snippet to to your pom.xml


Using maven to build a jar

If you're developing a java project that doesn't use maven, you can download the jar from github or package one yourself using maven.

$ cd ~/path/to/java-simplegeo
$ mvn package -Dmaven.test.skip=true

You should then have a jar with the name java-simplegeo-3.x.jar. Feel free to rename this and then add it to your project. If you want to run the tests, remove the option and make sure your is set up with your oauth info.


  1. Right click (ctrl + click) on your project

  2. Build Path

  3. Configure Build Path

  4. Select the Libraries tab

  5. Add JARs (if the SimpleGeo jar is in your workspace)/Add External JARs (if the SimpleGeo jar is on your filesystem)

  6. Navigate to the jar you want to add and click OK. The jar has been added to your project and you can start using it by getting an instance and setting your OAuth Token like so:

     SimpleGeoPlacesClient placesClient = new SimpleGeoPlacesClient();
     placesClient.getHttpClient().setToken("oauth-key", "oauth-secret");

Adding to an Android project

  1. Add java-simplegeo-3.1.2.jar to your build path.
  2. Add signpost-core-, signpost-commonshttp4- and commons-codec-1.5.jar to your build path.


In case you decide not to use maven on your project, the following jars are required in order for the SimpleGeo jar to work.

  • junit-4.8.2.jar (testing only)
  • signpost-core-
  • signpost-commonshttp4-
  • httpclient-4.0.jar (java only)
  • httpcore-4.0.jar (java only)
  • commons-codec-1.5.jar
  • commons-logging-1.1.1.jar (java only)
  • json-20090211.jar (java only)

All of these jars should be widely available on line, but I suggest as a central place that you'll be able to find all of them easily.


If you're interested in running the tests, you need to do a small piece of set up and then you can run them one of two ways.


  • Find file in the com.simplegeo.client.test package in the src/test/java folder.
  • Replace consumerKey and consumerSecret with your oauth key and secret from
  • If you have a paid account, set paidAccount to true, else leave it false.

From the command line

$ cd ~/path/to/java-simplegeo
$ mvn test

From Eclipse

  • Ctrl + click on the src/test/java
  • Run As
  • JUnit Test


The docs are generated using javadoc and are updated as often as we build the client in our public Jenkins environment. You can view them here

Simple Example

import java.util.ArrayList;

import org.json.JSONException;

import com.simplegeo.client.SimpleGeoPlacesClient;
import com.simplegeo.client.types.Feature;
import com.simplegeo.client.types.FeatureCollection;

public class HelloWorld {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        SimpleGeoPlacesClient placesClient = new SimpleGeoPlacesClient();
        placesClient.getHttpClient().setToken("oauth-key", "oauth-secret");
        HashMap<String, String[]> queryParams = new HashMap<String, String[]>();
        queryParams.put("category", new String[] {"sushi"});
        try {
            String sushiString =, -122.439516, queryParams);
            FeatureCollection sushiFeatureCollection = FeatureCollection.fromJSONString(sushiString);
            ArrayList<Feature> sushiFeatures = sushiFeatureCollection.getFeatures();
            for (Feature feature: sushiFeatures) {
        } catch (IOException e) {
        } catch (JSONException e) {

Copyright (C) 2011 SimpleGeo Inc. All rights reserved.