Python notebooks require some environment set up, specified below.
I re-used my old downloading code, so you'll need to run the entire urls.ipynb
notebook and then the
notebook before being able to use the main evalutaion notebook, svms.ipynb
which relies on data downloaded and sorted/split from those two notebooks.
First, install Anaconda 3 and add it to your path.
To be done when you clone or move this repo:
conda env create -f environment.yaml
Should be done once per session:
source activate env2020
To save new dependencies:
conda env export --no-builds | grep -v "prefix: " > environment.yaml
To update out-of-date local environment with new dependencies in the environment.yaml
conda env update -f environment.yaml --prune
# all new envs need my patch here
pip uninstall torchfm
pip install --force-reinstall git+
For GPU machines, you'll need to install a gpu version of pytorch over this env.