This is a simple test framework using the following Groovy stack of technologies (Geb, Spock, Groovy) with a simple page object pattern. Tests are annotated to give them a category even though at the moment doesn't have a real implementation hence is not possible to filter test and include/exclude based on that. There's also a perfomance and security check to make the test suite more complete.
- git clone
- move the command line at project root level
- ./gradlew test (MAC/UNIX)
- gradle.bat test (WINDOWS)
So far the implemntation only support Google Chrome, adding more browser is just a matter of adding more drivers (e.g. Firefox, PhantomJs) into the gebconfig file and phave a test specific task per browser, possibly controlled by the gradlew script for an easy integration in the CI builds.
- The browser driver are platform aware, and at run time the correct driver is downloaded ib the build folder.
- Gradle: see build/reports folder
- Registration test t.b.c.