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ImageRot API

Details about the methods and properties provided by ImageRot

Common Methods

Contains details about the common methods shared between Node and the browser environment


A method that prepares the image data from a provided File, URL, path, IRotItem or IRotData.


  • Type: Promise<IRotItem>
  • Resolves with an IRotItem object containing the prepared image data.


Name Type
data { data?: File | Buffer | IRotItem | IRotData, url?: string, file?: string }

useEffect(data, effect, options?)

A method that applies one or more effects to the image data.


  • Type: Promise<IRotItem>
  • Resolves with an IRotItem object containing the transformed image data.


Name Type Description
data IRotItem The image data to transform.
effect string | string[] The effect or effects to apply.
options TEffectOptions The options for the applied effect(s).

useMode(data, mode)

A method that applies one or more modes to the image data.


  • Type: Promise<IRotItem>
  • Resolves with an IRotItem object containing the transformed image data.


Name Type Description
data IRotItem The image data to transform.
mode string | string[] The mode or modes to apply.


A method that fetches an image from a URL and converts it into a buffer.


  • Type: Promise<IRotData>
  • Resolves with a buffer representing the image data and its dimensions.


Name Type Description
url string The URL of the image to convert.

hsvToRgb(h, s, v)

A utility method that converts HSV (Hue, Saturation, Value) values to RGB (Red, Green, Blue) values.


  • Type: Tuple<[number, number, number]>
  • A tuple representing the RGB values as an array of three numbers: [red, green, blue].


Name Type Description
h number The hue value (ranging from 0 to 1) to convert to RGB.
s number The saturation value (ranging from 0 to 1) to convert to RGB.
v number The value/brightness value (ranging from 0 to 1) to convert to RGB.

This utility method takes the HSV values and calculates the corresponding RGB values using the provided formulas. The resulting RGB values are returned as a tuple [red, green, blue].

rgbToHsv(r, g, b)

A utility method that converts RGB (Red, Green, Blue) values to HSV (Hue, Saturation, Value) values.


  • Type: Tuple<[number, number, number]>
  • A tuple representing the HSV values as an array of three numbers: [hue, saturation, value].


Name Type Description
r number The red value (ranging from 0 to 255) to convert to HSV.
g number The green value (ranging from 0 to 255) to convert to HSV.
b number The blue value (ranging from 0 to 255) to convert to HSV.


  • Returns: Array => string[]

Returns a list of the exported modes


  • Returns: Array => string[]

Returns a list of the exported effects

Targeted Methods (Node)

Contains details about the methods exclusively exposed to the Node environment

saveBuffer(data, path, config?)

A method that creates an image file from a provided image data


  • Type: Promise<void>
  • Resolves when the image has been successfully written to the provided path.


Name Type Description
data IRotItem An object containing the image data, width, and height.
path string The path where the image should be saved.
config? object An optional configuration object for image creation.

The optional config parameter should be an object with the following properties:

Name Type Description
mime string The MIME type of the image (default: 'image/png').


A method that fetches an image from a URL and returns its data as a Uint8Array along with its width and height.


  • Type: Promise<IRotData>
  • Resolves with a IRotData object containing the image data, width and height.


Name Type Description
url string The URL of the image to fetch.


A utility method that converts a file buffer into a Uint8Array.


  • Type: Promise<Uint8Array>
  • Resolves with a Uint8Array containing the image data.


Name Type Description
buffer Buffer A buffer containing the file data.

Targeted Methods (Browser)

Contains details about the methods exclusively exposed to the browser environment


A method that converts image buffer data into a Blob URL.


  • Type: Promise<string>
  • Resolves with a Blob URL representing the image.


Name Type Description
data IRotItem An object containing the image data, width, and height.


Converts a buffer into an ImageBitmap object.


  • Type: Promise<ImageBitmap>
  • A Promise that resolves with an ImageBitmap object that represents the input image data.


Name Type Description
data IRotItem An object containing the image data, width, and height.


A method that converts a File object into an image buffer.


  • Type: Promise<IRotData>
  • Resolves with an object containing the image data buffer and the width and height of the image.


Name Type Description
file File The file to convert to a buffer.


Contains details about the different types that are used in this documentation

Interface: IRotItem

An interface representing image data for processing.


The interface has the following properties:

Property Type Description
data Uint8Array The raw image data.
width number The width of the image.
height number The height of the image.

Type: IRotData

An immutable tuple representing image data for processing.


  • Type: Tuple<Uint8Array | null, number, number> The tuple has the following elements:
Index Type Description
0 Uint8Array | null The raw image data in a typed array, or null.
1 number The width of the image.
2 number The height of the image.