Also what used to be two modules swagger-springmvc
and swagger-models
is now split into multiple modules.
A little bit of background; when we started work on 2.0 swagger specification we realized that we're rewriting the logic to infer the service models and the schema. So we decided to take a step back and break it out into a two step process. First infer the service model into an internal representation. Second create a mapping layer that can map the internal models to different specification formats. Out of the box we will support swagger 1.2 and swagger 2.0, but this leads us to the possibility of supporting other formats and other scenarios as well; for e.g. RAML, ALPS and hypermedia formats.
Accordingly the different modules are split up as shown below.
| | Contains the internal service and
| springfox-core | schema description models along with
| | their builders.
| | Contains the service provider interfaces that
| springfox-spi | can be used to extend and enrich the service models.
| | For e.g. swagger specific annotation processors.
^ ^ ^
+---------------+----+ | +--+------------------+
Schema inference | | | | | spring web specific extensions that can build
extensions that help | springfox-schema | | |springfox-spring-web | the service models based on RequestMapping
build up the schema for| | | | | information. This is the heart library that
the parameters, models +--------------------+ | +---------------------+ infers the service model.
and responses |
| | Common swagger specific extensions
| springfox-swagger-common | that are aware of the different
| | swagger annotations.
^ ^
+-------------+----+ +----+--------------+
| | | | Configurations, and mapping layer
|springfox-swagger1| |springfox-swagger2 | that know how to convert the
| | | | service models to swagger 1.2 and
+------------------+ +-------------------+ swagger 2.0 specification documents. A
Also contains the controller for each
of the specific formats.
Firstly all the package names have changed
package com.mangofactory.swagger.*;
//is now
package springfox.documentation.*;
To enable support for swagger specification 1.2 use the @EnableSwagger
To enable support for swagger specification 2.0 use the @EnableSwagger2
We no longer use SwaggerSpringMvcPlugin
to configure the documentation subset. This has been replaced by a
more generic Docket
class. This is changed to be more inline with the fact that expressing the
contents of the documentation is agnostic of the format the documentation is rendered. Also we no longer need the
following class SpringSwaggerConfig
in order to configure the Docket
// This configuration is no longer used
private SpringSwaggerConfig swaggerConfig;
Docket stands for A summary or other brief statement of the contents of a document; an abstract.
is very similar to SwaggerSpringMvcPlugin
, in that, it helps configure a
subset of the services to be documented and groups them by name. Significant changes to this is the ability
to provide an expressive predicate based for api selection.
import static;
import static;
public Docket swaggerSpringMvcPlugin() {
return new Docket(DocumentationType.SWAGGER_2)
//Ignores controllers annotated with @CustomIgnore
.apis(not(withClassAnnotation(CustomIgnore.class)) //Selection by RequestHandler
.paths(paths()) // and by paths
//Here is an example where we select any api that matches one of these paths
private Predicate<String> paths() {
return or(
For a list of handy predicates Look at RequestHandlerSelectors and PathSelectors.
A simple way to configure the object mapper is to listen for the ObjectMapperConfigured
event. Regardless of
whether there is a customized ObjectMapper in play with a corresponding MappingJackson2HttpMessageConverter, the
library always has a configured ObjectMapper that is customized to serialize swagger 1.2 and swagger 2.0 types.
In order to do this implement the ApplicationListener<ObjectMapperConfigured>
interface. The event has a handle
to the ObjectMapper that was configured. Configuring application specific ObjectMapper customizations in this
application event handler guarantees that application specific customizations will be applied to each and every
ObjectMapper that is in play.
If you encounter a NullPointerException during application startup like [this issue](https://github
.com/springfox/springfox/issues/635). Its because most likely the WebMvcConfigurerAdapter
isn't working.
These adapter especially in a non-spring-boot scenarios will only get loaded if the @EnableWebMvc [annotation is
By default the swagger service descriptions are generated at the following urls
Swagger version | Documentation Url |
1.2 | /api-docs |
2.0 | /v2/api-docs |
To customize these endpoints, loading a [property source](http://docs.spring .io/spring/docs/current/javadoc-api/org/springframework/context/annotation/PropertySource.html) with the following properties allows the properties to be overridden
Swagger version | Override property |
1.2 | springfox.documentation.swagger.v1.path |
2.0 | springfox.documentation.swagger.v2.path |
Using the ApiModelProperty#dataType
we can override the inferred data types. However it is restricted
to only allow data types to be specified with a fully qualified class name. For e.g. if we have the following
// if com.qualified.ReplaceWith is not a Class that can be created using Class.forName(...)
// Original will be replaced with the new class
@ApiModelProperty(dataType = "com.qualified.ReplacedWith")
public Original getOriginal() { ... }
// if ReplaceWith is not a Class that can be created using Class.forName(...) Original will be preserved
@ApiModelProperty(dataType = "ReplaceWith")
public Original getAnotherOriginal() { ... }
The library provides a variety of extensibility hooks to enrich/ augment the schema and service models
- For enriching models and properties ####TODO
- For enriching services models ####TODO
For an example for porting a 1.0.2 application to a 2.0.x application (in progress) take a look at this branch or the spring boot example in the demo application.