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File metadata and controls

212 lines (163 loc) · 5.57 KB

Plugin Structure

All plugins are registered to Composer autoloader manually. It needs a plugin.json file to provide all needed information for auto-loading.


A basic plugin structure.


  • plugin.json: All information about this plugin.


    "name": "Demo",
    "namespace": "Botble\\Demo\\",
    "provider": "Botble\\Demo\\Providers\\DemoServiceProvider",
    "author": "Botble Technologies",
    "url": "",
    "version": "1.0",
    "description": "The description for plugin demo"
  • src/Plugin.php: Using to handle activate, deactivate, remove events for plugin.


namespace Botble\Demo;

use Schema;
use Botble\Base\Interfaces\PluginInterface;

class Plugin implements PluginInterface

    public static function activate()

    public static function deactivate()

    public static function remove()
        Schema::dropIfExists('demos'); // Remove table demo when removing plugin "demo"
  • config/permissions.php: Each plugin should have a configuration for permission. Permissions are codebase so we need to define it in this file.


return [
        'name' => 'Demo',
        'flag' => 'demo.list',
        'name' => 'Create',
        'flag' => 'demo.create',
        'parent_flag' => 'demo.list',
        'name' => 'Edit',
        'flag' => 'demo.edit',
        'parent_flag' => 'demo.list',
        'name' => 'Delete',
        'flag' => 'demo.delete',
        'parent_flag' => 'demo.list',
  • database/migrations/2018_10_07_011632_create_demo_table.php: After generating a plugin, it'll create a first migration, you should modify it before activating a plugin. When activating a plugin, its migrations will run automatically.


use Illuminate\Database\Migrations\Migration;
use Illuminate\Database\Schema\Blueprint;

return new class () extends Migration {
    public function up(): void
        Schema::create('demos', function (Blueprint $table) {
            $table->string('name', 120);

            $table->engine = 'InnoDB';

    public function down(): void
  • helpers/constants.php: to define all PHP constants for this plugin. It must have a constant for its screen name.


if (!defined('DEMO_MODULE_SCREEN_NAME')) {
    define('DEMO_MODULE_SCREEN_NAME', 'demo');
  • resources/lang/en/demo.php: language for your plugin. If you need to translate to more languages, let add new translation file. Ex: resources/lang/vi/demo.php


return [
    'name' => 'Demo',
    'create' => 'New demo',
    'edit' => 'Edit demo',
  • routes/web.php: Routes for this plugin. You can create routes\api.php if you need to work on API.



Route::group(['namespace' => 'Botble\Demo\Http\Controllers', 'middleware' => ['web', 'core']], function () {

    Route::group(['prefix' => BaseHelper::getAdminPrefix(), 'middleware' => 'auth'], function () {

        Route::group(['prefix' => 'demos', 'as' => 'demo.'], function () {
            Route::resource('', 'DemoController')->parameters(['' => 'demo']);
            Route::delete('items/destroy', [
                'as' => 'deletes',
                'uses' => 'DemoController@deletes',
                'permission' => 'demo.destroy',

  • src/Forms/DemoForm.php: Create and update form.

  • src/Http/Controllers/DemoController.php: Controller, you can create many controllers as you want.

  • src/Http/Requests/DemoRequest.php: Request to validate submit form.

  • src/Models/Demo.php.

  • src/Providers/DemoServiceProvider.php: This is the main file of a plugin. A plugin must have this file.


public function register()
    // Binding repositories if cache is disabled.
    $this->app->singleton(DemoInterface::class, function () {
        return new DemoRepository(new Demo());

    Helper::autoload(__DIR__ . '/../../helpers'); // Load all constants/helpers from helpers folder.

public function boot()
        ->setNamespace('plugins/demo') // Set namespace of a plugin, it's used for views/lang. Example: view('plugins.demo::create'), trans('plugins.demo::demo.create')
        ->loadAndPublishConfigurations(['permissions']) // Load configuration from config folder.
        ->loadRoutes(); // Load route. It's equal ->loadRoutes(['web']), if you need to work on API, you can add "api" to load it.

    // Register plugin menu to admin menu
    Event::listen(RouteMatched::class, function () {
            'id' => 'cms-plugins-demo', // Id of menu. It must be unique
            'priority' => 5, // Position of plugin
            'parent_id' => null, // Parent ID, if it's not null, this menu will be submenu
            'name' => trans(''),
            'icon' => 'fa fa-list',
            'url' => route('demo.list'),
            'permissions' => ['demo.list'], // Permission key, it's defined in /config/permissions.php
  • src/Repositories: Define all needed repositories for plugin models.

  • src/Tables/DemoTable.php: Using in listing page.