This repository contains all efforts made to achieve the objectives of Footstep #194. Our aim is to create an analytical framework for TON Footsteps and suggest methods for enhancing this system, ultimately promoting the mass adoption of TON!
Identify the key performance indicators (KPIs) and metrics that will be used to assess the effectiveness of the TON Footsteps grant system and identify priority areas for development. Examples of metrics could include the number of successful grant applications, community satisfaction ratings, and the overall impact of funded projects.
Perform an initial RICE assessment to identify potential areas for improvement and prioritize them before creating the questionnaire. This will help ensure that the questionnaire focuses on the most relevant topics and aspects of the TON Footsteps grant system.
Design and distribute surveys, questionnaires, or other feedback collection methods to gather insights from the TON ecosystem community. Select an appropriate system for collecting and analyzing statistical data, such as RhetorAI or other easy-to-use alternatives. This may involve creating a web form or utilizing a third-party survey platform.
Organize and analyze the collected feedback to identify trends, patterns, and areas requiring improvement. This analysis will help inform your prioritization and decision-making process.
Apply the RICE framework (Reach, Impact, Confidence, Effort) to prioritize issues and ideas identified from the collected feedback. This method helps evaluate each potential improvement based on its potential reach, the impact it would have, the confidence level in achieving the desired result, and the effort required to implement it.
Develop a Jupyter Notebook that visualizes the chosen metrics and indicators. This will provide a clear, interactive way to track results and analyze trends in the data. Make use of popular data visualization libraries, such as Matplotlib
, Seaborn
, or Plotly
, to create informative graphs and charts.
Based on the insights gathered from the data analysis and RICE prioritization, develop a comprehensive strategy for improving the TON Footsteps grant system. This strategy should outline the key areas requiring attention and the proposed actions to address them.
Monitor the progress and outcomes of the implemented improvement strategy to assess its effectiveness. Gather new feedback and data, and update the RICE framework as necessary to adapt to changing priorities or newly identified areas of concern. Continuously iterate and refine the strategy to ensure ongoing optimization of the TON Footsteps grant system.