- enable mTLS between services and setup rules for proper access control (isto 1.5 and 1.4 has different APIs). done (swtiched to 1.4.8 on minikube)
- add logic to correlate log to trace entries, both for stackdriver and jaeger/elastic (done. added trace and span id to log output in dashboard and casa-account-v1. stackdriver correlation logic is not yet implemetned)
- oauth token for gRPC service call
- setup istio authentication rules to examine oauth header for gRPC call
- expose metrics from microservice and send to both stackdriber and prometheus. (done in dashboard. customer-v1 has some conflict between spring actuator and opencensus, need investigation)
- log gRPC call service paremeter using opencensus. (possible in Python, no simple solution exist for java and go)
- write new customer service (done, spring boot)
- configure egress-gateway for outgoing configuration to database (does not work in minikube)
- upgrade testdata module's python cassandra driver to solve tls issue on Ubuntu Linux (done)
- add health_probe to casa-account-v1
- exclude health_probe from trace output
- enable HTTPS on istio gateway
- create REST to gRPC gateway (use envoy gRPC-JSON transcoder or 3rd party product like Ambassador gateway )
- create github actions to auto build container images on push to develop
- handle deployment using Google Application Manager
- migrate casa-account-v2 to google distroless base image
- restore the opencensus exporter stackdriver code for casa-account-v2