Can be installed to a number of places, but let's assume that you want to install to directory 'bot' in your own home directory.
First, you need to install the ability to create Python 'virtual environments' like this:
sudo apt install virtualenv
From now on, everything is done by you, with no need for 'sudo'.
Here's how to setup the directory for the bot:
virtualenv -p python3 bot
cd bot
source bin/activate
pip install praw
Here's how to setup the config file:
mkdir ~/.auto-luc
vim ~/.auto-luc/config
Note 1: You will need to edit the value of time_bump in based on the timezone of your server
Note 2: The format for .auto-luc/config is given in
To run the bot "manually", simply:
cd ~/bot
source bin/activate
python3 <params> >> /var/log/bot.log 2>> /var/log/bot-error.log
You may want to wrap this up as a shell script, and add some logging, e.g:
cd ~/bot
source bin/activate
python3 TEST >> /var/log/bot.log 2>> /var/log/bot-error.log
There are a couple of ways to call this daily at the correct time. If using 'crontab', a suitable entry would look like:
# m h dom mon dow command
1 20 * * * /root/run-bot
To automate, first create a shell script like this 'run-bot':
cd ~/bot
source bin/activate
Then create a cron entry (as an ordinary user, or as root) by crontab -e with and entry like this:
# m h dom mon dow command
1 20 * * * /root/run-bot
...which will run the script each day at 20:01 (8:01pm) - which is appropriate for a server running on UTC.