It's an Android library that allows you to use Layout as RadioButton or CheckBox.
This is a library to help creating expanding views with animation in android.
Expandable LinearLayout.
Android librarie that allows you to easily find and animate child views from one or multiple ViewGroups using their tag, type, visibility and much more.
Implementation of Ripple effect from Material Design for Android API 9+.
Lollipop ViewAnimationUtils.createCircularReveal for everyone 4.0+.
Repository of examples that showcase the various features of ConstraintLayout.
Android library to observe scroll events on scrollable views.
A vertical-handled and multi-panel support SlidingPanelLayout.
🎱 处理子 View,父 View 嵌套滚动。成本较 support v4 NestedScrolling 低,放心食用~
Android library that provides a view group which allows to finish an activity by dragging a view.
With Diagonal Layout explore new styles and approaches on material design.
Custom progress layout view for Android.
A extends lib for android-percent-support(Google百分比布局库扩展)
Add curve at bottom of image views and relative layouts.
With Scaling Layout scale your layout on user interaction.
ViewPager like LayoutManager which supports some awesome animations and infinite scroll.
A customized LayoutManager - fade and shrink the head itemView when scrolling.