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A simple server provide proxying to Docker Engine API for using with Prometheus/Promtail ("dockerswarm_sd_configs" scrape_configs)




The dockerswarm_sd_server provide a simple HTTP server that proxying to Docker Engine API. It has a limited functionality, but it's enough for using with Prometheus/Promtail.

The dockerswarm_sd_server exposed the following endpoints:

  • /_ping - This is a dummy endpoint you can use to test if the server is accessible.
  • /v*/tasks - A task is a container running on a swarm.
  • /v*/services - Services are the definitions of tasks to run on a swarm.
  • /v*/nodes - Nodes are instances of the Engine participating in a swarm.
  • /v*/networks - Networks are user-defined networks that containers can be attached to.

See for more details.

Usage and Deployment

The following section will guide you through the process of deploying the dockerswarm_sd_server service to Docker Swarm.

Create a dockerswarm_sd_network network

The dockerswarm_sd_server service must be deployed to the dockerswarm_sd_network network. The dockerswarm_sd_server service will be discoverable by other services in the same network. e.g: Prometheus/Promtail.

docker network create --scope swarm --driver overlay --attachable dockerswarm_sd_network

Deploying the dockerswarm_sd_server service to Docker Swarm

docker service create \
        --detach=true \
        --name dockerswarm_sd_server \
        --network dockerswarm_sd_network \
        --mount type=bind,source=/var/run/docker.sock,target=/var/run/docker.sock,readonly=true \
        --constraint node.role==manager \
        --restart-condition any \
        --restart-max-attempts 3 \
        --restart-window 60s \
        --update-delay 60s \
        --update-parallelism 1 \
        --update-monitor 60s \
        --update-failure-action rollback \
        --update-order stop-first \
        --with-registry-auth \

Remove the dockerswarm_sd_server service from Docker Swarm


Before removing the dockerswarm_sd_server service, make sure you have removed all the services that are using the dockerswarm_sd_server service.

docker service rm dockerswarm_sd_server

Configure Prometheus/Promtail

To configure Prometheus/Promtail to scrape the dockerswarm_sd_server service, you need to use dockerswarm_sd_server as the host value in the dockerswarm_sd_configs scrape_configs.

- job_name: dockerswarm
      - host: http://dockerswarm_sd_server:9093


Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.

See LICENSE for more information.