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sbt gh issues

plugin for github issues for those wired into sbt

gh issues


This plugin adds several Github Issues related tasks to your project.

These tasks are broken down into three traits


gh-issues # lists open issues
gh-closed-issues # lists closed issues
gh-issue <num> # shows the details of a gh issue by number
gh-open <title> <desc> # opens a new gh issue
gh-close <num> # closes a gh issue by number
gh-edit <num> <new_title> <new_desc> # edits a gh issue
gh-search-closed-issues <term> # Search for closed gh issues by terms
gh-search-open-issues <term> # Search for open gh issues by terms


gh-labels # Lists a labels for the current repo
gh-add-label <label> <num> # Adds a label to a gh issue
gh-remove-label <label> <num> # Removes a label from a gh issue

gh. CommentTasks

gh-comments <num> # lists all comments on a gh issue
gh-comment <num> <comment> # adds a comment on a gh issue

To get a the full list available in the sbt prompt type

 > gh<tab>

Some tasks listed above take arguments. Those are annotated with <arg1> <arg2>. If you forget what arguments a task takes, just execute the task with no args. This will reveal a usage statement to help. For arguments that are strings, be sure to double-quote their values ( gh-open "something's wrong" "oh something is definitely wrong!" )

For simplicity, you can can just mix gh.Issues (includes all three) into your ProjectDefinition.

Declare the gh issues plugin in your PluginDefinition.

> cat project/plugins/plugins.scala
import sbt._

class Plugins(info: ProjectInfo) extends PluginDefinition(info) {
  val lessis = "less is repo" at ""
  val ghIssues = "me.lessis" % "sbt-gh-issues" % "0.1.0"

The only dependency this plugin requires is a Github user to authenticate as an a Github repository to point at, both defined as 2 item tuples in your ProjectDefinition.

> cat project/build/project.scala
import sbt._

class Project(info: ProjectInfo) extends DefaultProject(info) with gh.Issues {
   def ghCredentials = (<your-gh-username>, <your-gh-password>)
   def ghRepository = (<gh-user>, <gh-repo>)

Obviously, you will not want to check in your github username and password with your source code and push that to github :). To supply the ghCredentials tuple. You can use the LocalGhCreds function which assumes you have an externally defined .gh file containing your github username and password. This should follow the standard Java Properties file format.

> echo "username=your-gh-username
password=your-gh-password" > ~/.gh

> cat ~/.gh

Your ProjectDefinition would then become

> cat project/build/project.scala
import sbt._

class Project(info: ProjectInfo) extends DefaultProject(info) with gh.Issues {
   def ghCredentials = gh.LocalGhCreds(log)
   def ghRepository = (<gh-user>, <gh-repo>)


Some logging is colorized. The default options (which are overridable in your ProjectDefinition) are.

def ghUserColor = Console.BOLD
def ghIssueTitleColor = Console.BOLD
def ghIssueNumColor = Console.MAGENTA
def ghLabelColor = Console.BOLD

I you would like to write out the logging yourself, override one of these logging methods.

def issueListing(issue: Issue): Unit
def issueDetail(issue: Issue): Unit
def commentListing(comment: Comment): Unit
def labelListing(label: String): Unit

Doug Tangren (softprops) 2011