The Solid GitHub organisation contains repositories that are managed by the Solid Team, covering the Solid specification and its processes and artifacts, and public communication on the Solid project.
This document describes which repositories belong under, and which repositories belong elsewhere. This also pertains to other resources associated with those repositories, such as Gitter chat channels bearing the same name.
Repositories under need to satisfy the condition that:
- their contents are managed by either:
- the Solid administrators
- the Solid creators
- the Solid editors
Additionally, they need to satisfy one or more of the following conditions:
- they are specification documents
- they are documents related to processes for advancing the specification
- they are guidelines or working documents for people within the Solid community
- they are materials for Solid project websites (such as
Repositories that satisfy one or more of the conditions below belong in other GitHub organisations or on other third-party places:
- they are not managed by Solid administrators, creators, or editors
- they are specific specification implementations or program code (that is not contributing to the display of the documents listed above)