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deepdive.conf Reference

Application configuration file reference

This document contains the description of each configuration directive that can be specified in an application configuration file.

As a remark, from version 0.8, the user application is described in the app.ddlog file. Therefore, the configuration file deepdive.conf described here doesn't have to be used. However, during a call of deepdive compile, the app.ddlog and deepdive.conf files are combined and compiled together. It is then possible to specify some parameters, arguments or tasks in the deepdive.conf file, in addition to the main structure of the application written in DDlog, and both of them will be considered by DeepDive.

Overview of configuration structure

Global section: all application configuration directives described in the rest of the document must appear inside a global deepdive section:

deepdive {
 # All configuration directives go here

A starter template of deepdive.conf is below. You can found it in examples/template/ in your DEEPDIVE_HOME installation directory:

deepdive {

  # Put your variables here
  schema.variables {

  # Put your extractors here
  extraction.extractors {

  # Put your inference rules here
  inference.factors {

  # Specify a holdout fraction
  calibration.holdout_fraction: 0.00


In this template, the global section deepdive contains following major sections: db, schema, extraction, inference, calibration. Other optional sections are sampler and execution.

Links to these sections:

Notation format

DeepDive configuration file uses HOCON format. It is an extension of JSON. For a detailed specification, see readme of HOCON.

Below are some highlights of the notation format.


Blocks are specified by {} rather than indentation. Blocks can be nested.

Note that the following nested block definition are equivalent:

schema {
  variables {


schema.variables {

This is often useful in making the code more compact.


Any text appearing after a # or // and before the next new line is considered a comment, unless the # or // is inside a quoted string.

Key-value separators

Both : and = are valid key-value separators.

Extraction and extractors

Configuration directives for executing extractors go in the extraction section, while extractor definitions go in the extraction.extractors section:

deepdive {
  extraction {
    # extraction directives
  extraction.extractors {
    # extractor definitions
  # ...

Extractors definition

Each extractor definition is a section named with the name of the extractor:

deepdive {
  # ...
  extraction.extractors {

    extractor1 {
      # definition of extractor1

    extractor2 {
      # definition of extractor2

    # More extractors ...
  # ...

Different styles of extractors are defined using different sets of directives. There is nevertheless a subset of directives that are common to all styles:

  • style: specifies the style of the extractor. Can take the values tsv_extractor, sql_extractor, or cmd_extractor. This is a mandatory directive.

  • before: specifies a shell command to run before executing the extractor. This is an optional directive.

    myExtractor {
      # ...
      style: "tsv_extractor"
      # ...
      before: """echo starting myExtractor"""
      # ...
  • after: specifies a shell command to run after the extractor has completed:

    myExtractor {
      # ...
      style: "sql_extractor"
      # ...
      after: """python"""
      # ...
  • dependencies: takes an array of extractor names that this extractor depends on. The system resolves the dependency graph and execute the extractors in the required order. E.g.:

    extractor1 {
      # ...
    extractor2 {
      # ...
    myExtractor {
      # ...
      style: "cmd_extractor"
      # ...
      dependencies: [ "extractor1", "extractor2" ]
      # ...
  • input_relations: takes an array of relation names that this extractor depends on. Similar to dependencies, all extractors whose output_relation exists in this array will be executed before this extractor.

The following directives are only for the tsv_extractor styles. They are mandatory for these styles.

  • input: specifies the input to the extractor. For all the extractor styles above it can be a SQL query to run on the database, e.g.,:

    myExtractor {
      # ...
      style: "tsv_extractor"
      # ...
      input: """SELECT * FROM titles"""
      # ...
  • output_relation: specifies the name of the relation the extractor output should be written to. Must be an existing relation in the database. E.g.:

    myExtractor {
      # ...
      style: "tsv_extractor"
      # ...
      output_relation: words
      # ...
  • udf: specifies the extractor User Defined Function (UDF). This is a shell command or a script that is executed.

  • Depending on the extractor style, additional directives may be necessary, such as sql, cmd, input_batch_size, and output_batch_size.


Note: this section presents configuration directive for the inference step. Refer to the appropriate section for the directives to define inference rules.

Configuration directives to control the inference steps go in the global deepdive section. The available directives are:

  • inference.batch_size: batch size to insert variables, factors, and weights in the database during the factor graph creation:

    inference.batch_size = 1000000

    The default value depends on the used datastore (50000 for PostgreSQL).

  • inference.parallel_grounding. If set to true and you are using GreenPlum on DeepDive, use parallelism when grounding the graph. Default is false.

    inference.parallel_grounding: true
  • inference.skip_learning: if true, DeepDive will skip the weight learning step, and reuse the weights learned in the last execution. It will generate a table dd_graph_last_weights containing all the weights. Weights will be matched by their "text description" (which is composed by [name of inference rule]-[specified value of "weight" in inference rule], e.g. myRule-male), and no learning will be performed. To get meaningful results, A DeepDive run must be already performed in the database, and the view dd_inference_result_weights_mapping must be present.

    inference.skip_learning: true

    By default this directive is false.

  • inference.weight_table: to be used in combination with inference.skip_learning, it allows to skip the weight learning step and use the weights specified in a custom table. The table tuples must contain the factor description and weights. Note that it is important that this table is constracted with the same syntax as described above.

    This table can be the result from one execution of DeepDive (an example would be the view dd_inference_result_weights_mapping, or dd_graph_last_weights used when inference.skip_learning is true) or manually assigned, or a combination of the two.

    If weight for a specific factor is not in the weight table, the weight will be treated as 0. For example, if f_has_spouse_features-SOME_NEW_FEATURE is not found in the specified weight table, but this factor is found in the inference step, the weight of it will be treated as 0.

    If inference_skip_learning is false (default) this directive is ignored.

    inference.skip_learning: true
    inference.weight_table: [weight table name]

Inference schema

Inference schema directives define the variables used in the factor graph and their type. Inference schema directives go in the schema.variables section:

deepdive {
  # ...
  schema.variables {
    # Variable definitions
  # ...

A variable in DeepDive is defined by its name (table.column) and its type:

person_smokes.smokes: Boolean
person_has_cancer.has_cancer: Boolean

A table can have up to one column declared as a DeepDive variable. This restriction makes the semantics clear such that each tuple in the database corresponds to one random variable. DeepDive currently supports Boolean and Categorical variables.

Inference rules

Note: refer to 'Writing inference rules' document for an in-depth discussion about writing inference rules.

The definitions of inference rules for the factor graphs go in the inference.factors section:

deepdive {
  inference.factors {
    rule1 {
      # definition of rule1

    rule2 {
      # definition of rule2

    # more rules...

The mandatory definition directives for each rule are:

  • input_query: specifies the variables to create. It is a SQL query that usually combines relations created by the extractors. For each row in the query result, the factor graph will have variables for a subset of the columns in that row, one variable per column, all connected by a factor. The output of the input_query must include the reserved id column for each variable.

  • function: specifies the factor function and the variables connected by the factor. Refer to the source code for details about the available functions. Example usage:

  • weight: specifies whether the weight of the factor should be a specified constant or learned (and if so, whether it should be a function of some columns in the input query. Possible values for this directive are:

    • a real number: the weight is the given number and not learned.

    • "?": DeepDive learns a weight for all factors defined by this rule. All the factors will share the same weight.

    • "?(column_name)": DeepDive learns multiple weights, one for each different value in the column column_name in the result of input_query.

An example inference rule is the following:

smokes_cancer {
  input_query: """
      SELECT as "",
    as "",
             person_smokes.smokes as "person_smokes.smokes",
             person_has_cancer.has_cancer as "person_has_cancer.has_cancer"
        FROM person_has_cancer, person_smokes
       WHERE person_has_cancer.person_id = person_smokes.person_id
  function: "Imply(person_smokes.smokes, person_has_cancer.has_cancer)"
  weight: 0.5

Calibration / Holdout

Directive for calibration go to the calibration section. The available directives are:

  • holdout_fraction: specifies the fraction of training data to use for holdout. E.g.:

    calibration {
      holdout_fraction: 0.25
  • holdout_query: specifies a custom query to be used to define the holdout set. This must insert all variable IDs that are to be held out into the dd_graph_variables_holdout table through arbitrary SQL. E.g.:

    calibration {
      holdout_query: "INSERT INTO dd_graph_variables_holdout(variable_id) SELECT dd_id FROM dd_variables_mytable WHERE predicate"

    When a custom holdout query is defined in holdout_query, the holdout_fraction setting is ignored.

  • observation_query: specifies a custom query to be used to define observation only evidence. Observation only evidence will not be fitted during weight learning. So there will be 3 kinds of variables during learning -- evidence that will be fitted, evidence that will not be fitted and non-evidence variables. This query must insert all variable IDs that are observation only evidence into the dd_graph_variables_observation table through arbitrary SQL. E.g.:

    calibration {
      observation_query: "INSERT INTO dd_graph_variables_observation SELECT id FROM mytable WHERE predicate"


Configuration directives for the sampler go in the global deepdive section. The available directive are:

  • (Optional) sampler.sampler_cmd: the path to the sampler executable:

    sampler.sampler_cmd: "util/sampler-dw-mac gibbs"

    Since version 0.03, DeepDive automatically chooses the correct executable based on your operating system (between "util/sampler-dw-linux gibbs" and "util/sampler-dw-mac gibbs"), so we recommend to omit the sampler_cmd directive.

  • sampler.sampler_args: the arguments to the sampler executable:

    deepdive {
      sampler.sampler_args: "-l 1000 -i 1000 --alpha 0.01"

    The default sampler_args are: "-l 300 -i 500 --alpha 0.1".

    For a list and the meaning of the arguments, please refer to the documentation of our DimmWitted sampler.