This project implements a simple query engine that receives cube queries and returns the results in tsv files.
- Install Java and MySQL
- Install cube base(s) (see the README files of the two exemplary cube bases in the InputFiles, which you can install too). This includes setting up:
- the database in the DBMS
- the .ini file with the name of the cube base where the dimensions with their levels and hierarchies as well as cubes are described
- the dbc.ini connection file with the jdbc connection info
For v.0.1 - v.0.3, the usage is simple:
- Start your DBMS (MySQL) service, if not running
- Start the Server of the project
- Alternatives
- Start the NaiveJavaClient of the project (query results are in the OutputFiles folder for the server and ClientCache for the client)
- Start the MainApp client in the gui package. Its functionalities include launching queries from a stored file and loading tsv files.
- ... create a Client of your own (already having clients to work with interestingness and natural language queries)
- S. Zogos added sessions and query history management
- D. Gkitsakis added the first v. of the natural language querying package (also: tests & clients) to allow the querying via natural language
- E. Mouselli added the first v. of the interestingness package (also: tests & clients) to assess query interestingness
P. Vassiliadis extended the engine with the generation of models for queries. Expansion of the GUI, the testing and refactorings also took place
P. Vassiliadis extracted a relevant subset of v.0.0, and refactored/adapted it for the first v. of a simple query engine that simply answers cube queries A set of functionalities like RMI file transfer and a small GUI were added too.
- Code for the Delian Cube Engine comes largely from the Cinecubes project, implemented via the contributions of:
- D. Gkesoulis, who was the original main developer for Cinecubes
- A. Todoris who added the RMI part
- A. A. Xynogala-Karathanou who produced a refactored version of Cinecubes.
The Delian Problem is the problem of accurately computing the doubling of a cube's volume (which of course entails computing the 3rd root of 2). Credits for solutions to the problem go to Menaechmus for a first solution, and also to Diocles, Nicomedes, Philo, Archytas and Eratosthenes.
See the copyright file.
- ToDo: Must complement this file with a section on how to contribute. Sorry!
Refactorings & Corrections
- Expand natural language querying with more elegant solutions
- Expand interestingness assessment with syntactic checks
- Address the todo's inside the src
- Introduce an intermediate abstraction level between cubebase and (relational) database, s.t., new DBMS types are pluggable
- Refactor the GUI client, to kill cycles in the package diagram
- Refactor the result package to add a hierarchy of packages for modules (abstract, general-purpose, KPIs, clusterings, ...)
- Refactor how clients communicate with server and server init. Connections should be parsed at server startup and sessions handled by an intermediate class between Server and SQP (probably a sessionManager or a QueryManager, caching sessions, queries and their results, etc)
- Redefine how client communicates with server: a list of files is produced, not just a single tab file with the data
- Add a "Run Single Query" part at the GUI client that opens sth like a text editor to write a single query and calls the QueryFromString at the server
- Add a GUI client
- Cleanup the code from unused parts of v.0.0 (at least the known ones)
- Fix the fixme comments
Extension to an Intentional OLAP engine
- Add support to more apache commons math parts that pertain to the computation of simple models
- (maybe) Link to weka / spark mllib / ... via principled interfacing to add more model extraction methods