Employee Onboarding Process 1. Candidate Acceptance 1.1 Candidate accepts the job offer --> Send welcome email with onboarding instructions 2. Documentation Collection 2.1 Collect personal information --> Provide link to online form 2.2 Verify documentation --> HR verifies documents 3. System Setup 3.1 Create employee accounts --> IT creates email and system accounts 3.2 Assign equipment --> IT prepares necessary equipment 4. Training and Orientation 4.1 Schedule orientation session --> HR schedules and sends invite 4.2 Conduct orientation session --> HR conducts orientation 4.3 Assign training modules --> HR assigns training in LMS 5. Integration and Follow-Up 5.1 Introduce to team --> Manager introduces new employee to team 5.2 First-week check-in --> Manager conducts check-in meeting 5.3 30-day review --> Manager conducts performance review