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Various features of Video Conferencing Services:

  1. Schedule Meetings and Generate a Token Book on demand meetings or schedule meetings and generate token which is required for connection to a session/room on the client side.

  2. List Archives Get a specific archive or list a set of archives for the recorded meetings.

  3. Configure storage target Set Storage settings to store archives to custom s3 bucket or Microsoft Azure Storage.

  4. Webhook Events Webhook Events (such as session or webhook) when configured receive events from a third party. These events are used to store session attendees or store archive information. For Vonage, you need to add this microservice server url in your current vonage project so it will receive webhook events. See Vonage Documentation for more information.

You can see the database schema here.

To get started with a basic implementation of this service, see /sandbox/video-conferencing-ms-example.


npm i @sourceloop/video-conferencing-service

Working and Flow



  • Create a new Loopback4 Application (If you don't have one already) lb4 testapp

  • Install the video conferencing service npm i @sourceloop/video-conferencing-service

  • Set the environment variables.

  • Run the migrations.

  • Bind Vonage config to the VonageBindings.Config key -

      apiKey: process.env.VONAGE_API_KEY,
      apiSecret: process.env.VONAGE_API_SECRET,
      timeToStart: 0, // time in minutes, meeting can not be started 'timeToStart' minutes before the scheduled time
  • For Twilio bind twilio config to the TwilioBindings.config key-

      accountSid: process.env.TWILIO_ACCOUNT_SID,
      authToken: process.env.TWILIO_AUTH_TOKEN,
      apiSid: process.env.TWILIO_API_KEY,
      apiSecret: process.env.TWILIO_API_SECRET,
  • Add the VideoConfServiceComponent to your Loopback4 Application (in application.ts)

    // import the component for VideoConfService
    import { VideoConfServiceComponent } from '@sourceloop/video-conferencing-service';
    // add VideoConfServiceComponent inside the application class
  • Set up a Loopback4 Datasource with dataSourceName property set to VideoConfDatasource. You can see an example datasource here.

  • Using with Sequelize

    This service supports Sequelize as the underlying ORM using @loopback/sequelize extension. And in order to use it, you'll need to do following changes.

    • To use Sequelize in your application, add following to application.ts:

        useCustomSequence: false,
        useSequelize: true,
    • Use the SequelizeDataSource in your audit datasource as the parent class. Refer this for more details.

  • Configurable Audit Logs

    To generate audit logs for video conferencing service, you'll have to set the env var ADD_AUDIT_LOG_MIXIN to true and configure a datasource for it like below:

    import {inject, lifeCycleObserver, LifeCycleObserver} from '@loopback/core';
    import {juggler} from '@loopback/repository';
    import {AuditDbSourceName} from '@sourceloop/audit-log';
    const config = {
      name: 'audit',
      connector: 'postgresql',
      url: '',
      host: '',
      port: 0,
      user: '',
      password: '',
      database: '',
    export class AuditDataSource
      extends juggler.DataSource
      implements LifeCycleObserver
      static dataSourceName = AuditDbSourceName;
      static readonly defaultConfig = config;
        @inject('datasources.config.audit', {optional: true})
        dsConfig: object = config,
      ) {
        const auditEnvConfig = {
          host: process.env.AUDIT_DB_HOST,
          port: process.env.AUDIT_DB_PORT,
          user: process.env.AUDIT_DB_USER,
          password: process.env.AUDIT_DB_PASSWORD,
          database: process.env.AUDIT_DB_DATABASE,
          schema: process.env.AUDIT_DB_SCHEMA,
        Object.assign(dsConfig, auditEnvConfig);

    Configure .env of application in index.ts before exporting application like follows

    import * as dotenv from 'dotenv';
    import {
    } from './application';
    export * from './application';
  • Start the application npm start

Asymmetric Token Signing and Verification

If you are using asymmetric token signing and verification, you need to create a datasource for auth database. Example datasource file for auth:-

import {inject, lifeCycleObserver, LifeCycleObserver} from '@loopback/core';
import {juggler} from '@loopback/repository';
import {AuthDbSourceName} from '@sourceloop/core';

const config = {
  name: 'auth',
  connector: 'postgresql',
  host: process.env.DB_HOST,
  port: process.env.DB_PORT,
  user: process.env.DB_USER,
  schema: process.env.DB_SCHEMA,
  password: process.env.DB_PASSWORD,
  database: process.env.AUTH_DB,

// Observe application's life cycle to disconnect the datasource when
// application is stopped. This allows the application to be shut down
// gracefully. The `stop()` method is inherited from `juggler.DataSource`.
// Learn more at
export class AuthDataSource
  extends juggler.DataSource
  implements LifeCycleObserver
  static dataSourceName = AuthDbSourceName;

  static readonly defaultConfig = config;

    @inject('datasources.config.auth', {optional: true})
    dsConfig: object = config,
  ) {
    if (!!+(process.env.ENABLE_DB_CONNECTION_POOLING ?? 0)) {
      const dbPool = {
        max: +(process.env.DB_MAX_CONNECTIONS ?? DEFAULT_MAX_CONNECTIONS),
        idleTimeoutMillis: +(
        connectionTimeoutMillis: +(
          process.env.DB_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT_MILLIS ??

      dsConfig = {...dsConfig, ...dbPool};


Environment Variables

Do not forget to set Environment variables. The examples below show a common configuration for a PostgreSQL Database running locally.

Name Required Default Value Description
NODE_ENV Y Node environment value, i.e. dev, test, prod
LOG_LEVEL Y Log level value, i.e. error, warn, info, verbose, debug
HOST Y Host for the service to run under, i.e.
PORT Y 3000 Port for the service to listen on.
DB_HOST Y Hostname for the database server.
DB_PORT Y Port for the database server.
DB_USER Y User for the database.
DB_PASSWORD Y Password for the database user.
DB_DATABASE Y Database to connect to on the database server.
DB_SCHEMA Y public Database schema used for the data source. In PostgreSQL, this will be public unless a schema is made explicitly for the service.
JWT_SECRET Y Symmetric signing key of the JWT token.
JWT_ISSUER Y Issuer of the JWT token.
ADD_AUDIT_LOG_MIXIN N false Whether to store audit logs for the entities provided by this service. Setting this to true requires the following AUDIT_* env vars to also be set.
AUDIT_DB_HOST N Hostname of the audit database server
AUDIT_DB_PORT N Audit Database Server Port
AUDIT_DB_USER N Username of the audit database server
AUDIT_DB_PASSWORD N Password of the audit database user
AUDIT_DB_DATABASE N Audit database name
AUDIT_DB_SCHEMA N Database schema used for the data source. In PostgreSQL, this will be public unless a schema is made explicitly for the service.

Setting up a DataSource

Here is a sample Implementation DataSource implementation using environment variables and PostgreSQL as the data source.

import {inject, lifeCycleObserver, LifeCycleObserver} from '@loopback/core';
import {juggler} from '@loopback/repository';
import {VideoConfDatasource} from '@sourceloop/video-conferencing-service';

const config = {
  name: VideoConfDatasource,
  connector: 'postgresql',
  url: '',
  host: process.env.DB_HOST,
  port: process.env.DB_PORT,
  user: process.env.DB_USER,
  password: process.env.DB_PASSWORD,
  database: process.env.DB_DATABASE,
  schema: process.env.DB_SCHEMA,

export class VideoDbDataSource
  extends juggler.DataSource
  implements LifeCycleObserver
  static dataSourceName = VideoConfDatasource;
  static readonly defaultConfig = config;

    @inject(`datasources.config.${VideoConfDatasource}`, {optional: true})
    dsConfig: object = config,
  ) {

Database Schema



The migrations required for this service are processed during the installation automatically if you set the VIDEOCONF_MIGRATION or SOURCELOOP_MIGRATION env variable. The migrations use db-migrate with db-migrate-pg driver for migrations, so you will have to install these packages to use auto-migration. Please note that if you are using some pre-existing migrations or databases, they may be affected. In such a scenario, it is advised that you copy the migration files in your project root, using the VIDEOCONF_MIGRATION_COPY or SOURCELOOP_MIGRATION_COPY env variables. You can customize or cherry-pick the migrations in the copied files according to your specific requirements and then apply them to the DB.

This migration script supports both MySQL and PostgreSQL databases, controlled by environment variables. By setting MYSQL_MIGRATION to 'true', the script runs migrations using MySQL configuration files; otherwise, it defaults to PostgreSQL. .

Additionally, there is now an option to choose between SQL migration or PostgreSQL migration. NOTE : For @sourceloop/cli users, this choice can be specified during the scaffolding process by selecting the "type of datasource" option.

API's Details

Visit the OpenAPI spec docs


If you've noticed a bug or have a question or have a feature request, search the issue tracker to see if someone else in the community has already created a ticket. If not, go ahead and make one! All feature requests are welcome. Implementation time may vary. Feel free to contribute the same, if you can. If you think this extension is useful, please star it. Appreciation really helps in keeping this project alive.