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Enhanced Resources

Enhancements for Laravel's API resources.


$ composer require sourcetoad/enhanced-resources

Basic Usage

To create an enhanced resource you simply extend Sourcetoad\EnhancedResources\Resource instead of Illuminate\Http\Resources\Json\JsonResource and provide a format method.


use Sourcetoad\EnhancedResources\Formatting\Attributes\Format;
use Sourcetoad\EnhancedResources\Resource;

class ExampleResource extends Resource
    public function foo(): array
        return [];


With EnhancedResources you can have multiple formats for a single resource by adding format methods. Format methods are defined using the #[Format] attribute.

If only a single format method is defined, as is the case in the example above in the basic usage section, that format will be the default format that is used when resolving the resource. However, you can define as many formats as you like.


use Sourcetoad\EnhancedResources\Formatting\Attributes\Format;
use Sourcetoad\EnhancedResources\Resource;

class ExampleResource extends Resource
    public function bar(): array
        return [];

    public function foo(): array
        return [];

    public function foobar(): array
        return [];

In cases like the one above you'll need to specify the format to be used by providing its name to the format() method. By default the format uses the same name as the method, so in this example we have format names of bar, foo, and foobar.


Failing to specify the format in a situation where there is no default format will result in a NoFormatSelectedException being thrown.

Specifying a Default

If you don't want to always explicitly specify the format to be used when you have a resource with multiple formats you can specify one format as default using the #[IsDefault] attribute.


use Sourcetoad\EnhancedResources\Formatting\Attributes\Format;
use Sourcetoad\EnhancedResources\Formatting\Attributes\IsDefault;
use Sourcetoad\EnhancedResources\Resource;

class ExampleResource extends Resource
    public function bar(): array
        return [];

    #[IsDefault, Format]
    public function foo(): array
        return [];

    public function foobar(): array
        return [];

After adding the #[IsDefault] attribute to one of your format methods it will be used unless the format is explicitly specified via the format() method.

Specifying more than one default method via the #[IsDefault] attribute will result in a MultipleDefaultFormatsException being thrown.

The #[IsDefault] attribute is detected on a per-class basis up the inheritance chain, so you can define a format as #[IsDefault] on a parent resource and override it with another #[IsDefault] format on the child resource without triggering a MultipleDefaultFormatsException. However, if no #[IsDefault] format is defined on the child resource the one on the parent will still be used.

Naming Formats

You can also override the name of formats and even provide multiple names for a single format. Let's look at the following example:


use Sourcetoad\EnhancedResources\Formatting\Attributes\Format;
use Sourcetoad\EnhancedResources\Formatting\Attributes\IsDefault;
use Sourcetoad\EnhancedResources\Resource;

class ExampleResource extends Resource
    #[Format, Format('a')]
    public function bar(): array
        return [];

    #[Format, Format('b'), Format('something-else')]
    public function foo(): array
        return [];

    public function foobar(): array
        return [];

In this example we have three formats, but six names:

  • The bar method can be used with the names bar, and a.
  • The foo method can be used with the names foo, b, and something-else.
  • The foobar method can be used with the name c.

The primary name of each format is the first instance of the #[Format] attribute, and the rest are aliases. This means that the primary names would be: bar, foo, and c in the example above. In most cases this distinction should not come into play.


Both anonymous collections and defined resource collections utilize the formats of the underlying resource objects, and follow all the same rules.


Modifications allow you to tweak the output of resources on the fly. They are applied similarly to how state is applied for Eloquent factories. The most basic form of modification is a simple array merge modification done by providing an array to the modify method of a resource:

ExampleResource::make($object)->modify(['some_key' => 'some_value']);

To accomplish more complex modifications you can also pass any callable that accepts (array $data, Resource $resource). It is important when using these types of modifications to return the data as failing to do so will result in resource's data being replaced with null.

ExampleResource::make($object)->modify(function (array $data) {
    $data['some_key'] = 'some_value';
    return $data;

You can also define methods on the resource class itself that can make modifications via calling the modify method.


use Sourcetoad\EnhancedResources\Formatting\Attributes\Format;
use Sourcetoad\EnhancedResources\Formatting\Attributes\IsDefault;
use Sourcetoad\EnhancedResources\Resource;

class ExampleResource extends Resource
    public function foo(): array
        return [
            'value' => $this->resource['value'],
    public function double(): static
        return $this->modify(function (array $data) {
            $data['value'] *= 2;
            return $data;        

ExampleResource::make(['value' => 1])->double()->toArray(); // ['value' => 2]


The except enhancement is a modification class and trait combination that allows for the easy exclusion of certain fields from a resource.


use Sourcetoad\EnhancedResources\Enhancements\Except;
use Sourcetoad\EnhancedResources\Enhancements\Traits\HasExceptEnhancement;
use Sourcetoad\EnhancedResources\Formatting\Attributes\Format;
use Sourcetoad\EnhancedResources\Formatting\Attributes\IsDefault;
use Sourcetoad\EnhancedResources\Resource;

class ExampleResource extends Resource
    use HasExceptEnhancement;

    public function foo(): array
        return [
            'first_name' => $this->resource->firstName,
            'id' => $this->resource->id,
            'last_name' => $this->resource->lastName,

ExampleResource::make(new class {
    public string $firstName = 'John';
    public int $id = 1;
    public string $lastName = 'Doe';
})->except('id'); // ['first_name' => 'John', 'last_name' => 'Doe']

// Without the trait you can still use the Except enhancement.
ExampleResource::make(new class {
    public string $firstName = 'John';
    public int $id = 1;
    public string $lastName = 'Doe';
})->modify(new Except(['id'])); // ['first_name' => 'John', 'last_name' => 'Doe']


The only enhancement is a modification class and trait combination that allows for the easy exclusion of certain fields from a resource.


use Sourcetoad\EnhancedResources\Enhancements\Only;
use Sourcetoad\EnhancedResources\Enhancements\Traits\HasOnlyEnhancement;
use Sourcetoad\EnhancedResources\Formatting\Attributes\Format;
use Sourcetoad\EnhancedResources\Formatting\Attributes\IsDefault;
use Sourcetoad\EnhancedResources\Resource;

class ExampleResource extends Resource
    use HasOnlyEnhancement;

    public function foo(): array
        return [
            'first_name' => $this->resource->firstName,
            'id' => $this->resource->id,
            'last_name' => $this->resource->lastName,

ExampleResource::make(new class {
    public string $firstName = 'John';
    public int $id = 1;
    public string $lastName = 'Doe';
})->only('id'); // ['id' => 1]

// Without the trait you can still use the Only enhancement.
ExampleResource::make(new class {
    public string $firstName = 'John';
    public int $id = 1;
    public string $lastName = 'Doe';
})->modify(new Only(['id'])); // ['id' => 1]

Additional Enhancements

EnhancedResources also includes a couple of other helpful enhancements.

Status Codes

You can now tweak the status code of the resource response with a simple call to the setResponseStatus() method.

use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response;



You can provide any object with a toResource method with a simple trait and attribute combination:

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
use Sourcetoad\EnhancedResources\Resourceable\AsResource;
use Sourcetoad\EnhancedResources\Resourceable\ConvertsToResource;

 * @method ExampleResource toResource()
class Example extends Model
    use ConvertsToResource;

(new Example)->toResource();


Testing endpoints that respond with enhanced resources is recommended to be done using Laravel's existing response assertions. One approach to creating resource asserter objects to help simplify the process that leverages functionality provided by enhanced resources can be found here.