While the spec.html on the official website as of 11:07 July 27, 2020 (UTC) gives you a good enough approximation on how wenyan-lang works, there nevertheless seems to be some discrepancies between the spec.html and the current official implementation. Here I will list what I encountered while writing this transpiler.
- 或若
- 若其然者
- 若其不然者
- 乃止是遍
- 纖
While treated as part of a statement in many syntactic rules, such as
reference_statement : '夫' data ('之' (STRING_LITERAL|INT_NUM|'其餘'|IDENTIFIER|'長'))? name_single_statement? ;
there actually is no need to handle name_single_statement
to be part of a reference_statement
compiles to
const _ans1 = 2 + 4;
const _ans2 = BING3;
var WU4 = _ans1;
var JI3 = _ans2;
, and thus it must be that the optional name_single_statement
can just as validly treated as a separate entity that can be replaced by a name_single_statement
However, note that
compiles to
const _ans1 = 2 + 3;
var JIU3SHU4 = 9;
and that 有數九。
does not compile. Thus, while the spec says
init_define_statement : '有' TYPE data (name_single_statement)? ;
The name_single_statement
is not optional; and if a name_multi_statement
comes, it is cropped to a name_single_statement
and the remaining identifiers are silently ignored.
mod_math_statement : '除' (INT_NUM|FLOAT_NUM|IDENTIFIER|'其') preposition (INT_NUM|FLOAT_NUM|IDENTIFIER) POST_MOD_MATH_OP? ;
Actual behavior: seems to allow INT_NUM|FLOAT_NUM|IDENTIFIER|'其'
in the second argument.
assign_statement : '昔之' IDENTIFIER ('之' (INT_NUM|STRING_LITERAL|IDENTIFIER))? '者' (('今' ((data ('之' INT_NUM)?)|'其') '是矣')|'今不復存矣') ;
Actual behavior: seems to allow '之' (INT_NUM|STRING_LITERAL|IDENTIFIER|'長')
in the second argument.
for_enum_statement : FOR_START_ENUM (INT_NUM|IDENTIFIER) FOR_MID_ENUM statement* FOR_IF_END ;
Actual behavior: seems to allow INT_NUM|IDENTIFIER|'其'
in the second argument.
unary_if_expression : data|(IDENTIFIER '之'('長'|STRING_LITERAL|IDENTIFIER))|'其' ;
Actual behavior: seems to allow '長'|STRING_LITERAL|IDENTIFIER|INT_NUM
FLOAT_NUM_KEYWORDS : '分'|'釐'|'毫'|'絲'|'忽'|'微'|'塵'|'埃'|'渺'|'漠' ;
Actual behavior: also has 纖