Project TIKEBook follows all of the usual STScI style guidelines. See in particular the Notebook Template for help getting started.
Each Notebook should be contained within a folder bearing the same name. The folder must also contain a requirements.txt
file; you can use pipreqsnb to automatically generate this for a Notebook.
Please follow a forking workflow when submitting a pull request.
Project TIKEBook is meant to function as a comprehensive curriculum while being useful for standalone lessons. This imposes some additional guidelines that exceed the normal STScI Notebook Guidelines. In particular, you should include:
"Prerequisites": A reasonable list of expected knowledge should be included at the beginning of a Notebook. This could include complicated or uncommon Python structures, background reading on machine learning, or details about a particular astrophysical phenomenon. When possible, you should provide a reference so that readers can prepare for the lesson.
Learing Goals or Lesson Plan: In essence, what you expect people will learn or "take away" from this Notebook.
A Table of Contents: An outline of the lesson, with links to each subsection in the Notebook for easy navigation.