Implemented enhancements:
- Publish the 0.6.1 version on a public repo #3
v0.6.1 (2017-09-22)
Closed issues:
Merged pull requests:
- Update publish setting for sonatype #44 (francescofrontera)
- Adding Changelog file #43 (spi-x-i)
v0.6.0 (2017-09-21)
Implemented enhancements:
- Move all the exceptions in a separate package #35
- Introducing updated flink-jpmml examples #28
- Updating flink-jpmml project dependencies #19
Fixed bugs:
- Updating README to version 0.6 #29
Closed issues:
- Introducing Dynamic Model Evaluation #27
- Extending evaluator ADT with Empty predictions #26
- Releasing 0.5.1 version #24
Merged pull requests:
- [#29] Update readme to 0.6.0 #41 (spi-x-i)
- [#28] Updated flink jpmml examples #39 (francescofrontera)
- Feature/27 introducing dynamic model evaluation #38 (riccardo14)
- Enhancement/35 move all the exceptions in a separate package #36 (riccardo14)
- Feature/26 extending evaluator adt with empty predictions #34 (riccardo14)
- Update the version of all the dependencies #33 (riccardo14)
v0.5.1 (2017-09-19)
Implemented enhancements:
- Updating Flink to 1.3.1 #17
- Integrate Travis CI #2
- Bump master to 0.6.0-SNAPSHOT #1
- Added license apply informations #21 (maocorte)
Closed issues:
Merged pull requests:
- Updating to new minor version #25 (spi-x-i)
- #22 - Avoiding boilerplate to Vector handler Type Class #23 (francescofrontera)
- Updating flink version to 1.3.1 #20 (spi-x-i)
- Updated Travis CI build badge link #18 (maocorte)
- Cleaned travis-ci configuration file #16 (maocorte)
- Fixing explanation about model loading phase #15 (spi-x-i)
- [#13]fix Readme examples #14 (francescofrontera)
- Updating Flink version to 1.3.0 #12 (spi-x-i)
- [hotfix] Add author info for @stefanobaghino #11 (stefanobaghino)
- Fixing sbt-header #10 (francescofrontera)
- Added travis ci build status to README #8 (maocorte)
- Added github usernames #7 (francescofrontera)
- [#1] - Update Version #6 (francescofrontera)
- [ISSUE-2] added travis configuration file #5 (maocorte)
- added simone robutti contribution #4 (chobeat)
v0.5.0 (2017-05-25)
* This Change Log was automatically generated by github_changelog_generator