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Become a sponsor to Javier Spagnoletti


Javier Spagnoletti

Buenos Aires, Argentina

If you're using PHP or your projects depend on any of its most spreaded projects (Composer, Guzzle, Monolog, PHP-CS-Fixer, Symfony, Doctrine, Twig, etc.), you surely are using a package where I've contributed to. I like challenges and stay one step ahead about technology, standards, guidelines and best practices.

In the corporate scope, I currently work as Enterprise Solution Architect at @nubity.


Reaching this goal I will be able to bring more time to open source, identifying what projects have a market behind and need improvements based on real use cases.

Featured work

  1. doctrine-extensions/DoctrineExtensions

    Doctrine2 behavioral extensions, Translatable, Sluggable, Tree-NestedSet, Timestampable, Loggable, Sortable

  2. sonata-project/SonataAdminBundle

    The missing Symfony Admin Generator

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$ a month

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$5 a month


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$10 a month


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$25 a month


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🆘 If you need dedicated help, I can focus in your issue