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Authentication and back-off logic is a pain, let's do it once and forget about it! This is a library that allows you to centralise this logic and forget about the ugly parts of making HTTP requests.

  • 📱 iOS 10.0+
  • 💻 OS X 10.12+
  • ⌚️ watchOS 3.0+
  • 📺 tvOS 10.0+

Yet another networking library? Well apart from some unique benefits such as built-in rate limiting and powerful request authentication, a significant benefit for you is that any tagged version has been tested in production. We only tag a new release once it’s been used for two weeks by the Spotify app (which has millions of active users a day). As such you can be sure tagged versions are as stable as possible.

As for Spotify, we wanted a light networking library that we had full control over in order to act fast in squashing bugs, and carefully select the feature we needed and were capable of supporting. The architecture also plays very nicely into our MVVM and view aggregation service architectures at Spotify by tying the lifetime of a request to the view.

Architecture 📐

SPTDataLoader is designed as an HTTP stack with 3 additional layers on top of NSURLSession.

  • The Application level, which controls the rate limiting and back-off policies per service, respecting the “Retry-After” header and knowing when or not it should retry the request.
  • The User level, which controls the authentication of the HTTP requests.
  • The View level, which allows automatic cancellation of requests the view has made upon deallocation.


The authentication in this case is abstract, allowing the creator of the SPTDataLoaderFactory to define their own semantics for token acquisition and injection. It allows for asynchronous token acquisition if the token is invalid that seamlessly integrates with the HTTP request-response pattern.

Back-off policy

The data loader service allows rate limiting of URLs to be set explicitly or to be determined by the server using the “Retry-After” semantic. It allows back-off retrying by using a jittered exponential backoff to prevent the thundering hordes creating a request storm after a predictable exponential period has expired.

Installation 🏗️

SPTDataLoader can be installed in a variety of ways, either as a dynamic framework, a static library, or through a dependency manager such as CocoaPods or Carthage.


Dynamic Framework

Drag the framework into the “Frameworks, Libraries, and Embedded Content” area in the “General” section of the target.

Static Library

Drag SPTDataLoader.xcodeproj into your App’s Xcode project and link your app with the library in the “Build Phases” section of the target.


To integrate SPTDataLoader into your project using CocoaPods, add it to your Podfile:

pod 'SPTDataLoader', '~> 2.2'


To integrate SPTDataLoader into your project using Carthage, add it to your Cartfile:

github "spotify/SPTDataLoader" ~> 2.2

Usage example 👀

For an example of this framework's usage, see the demo application SPTDataLoaderDemo in SPTDataLoader.xcodeproj. Just follow the instructions in ClientKeys.h.

Creating the SPTDataLoaderService

In your app you should only have 1 instance of SPTDataLoaderService, ideally you would construct this in something similar to an AppDelegate. It takes in a rate limiter, resolver, user agent and an array of NSURLProtocols. The rate limiter allows objects outside the service to change the rate limiting for different endpoints, the resolver allows overriding of host names, and the array of NSURLProtocols allows support for protocols other than http/s.

SPTDataLoaderRateLimiter *rateLimiter = [SPTDataLoaderRateLimiter rateLimiterWithDefaultRequestsPerSecond:10.0];
SPTDataLoaderResolver *resolver = [SPTDataLoaderResolver new];
self.service = [SPTDataLoaderService dataLoaderServiceWithUserAgent:@"Spotify-Demo"

Note that you can provide all these as nils if you are so inclined, it may be for the best to use nils until you identify a need for these different configuration options.

Defining your own SPTDataLoaderAuthoriser

If you don't need to authenticate your requests you can skip this. In order to authenticate your requests against a backend, you are required to create an implementation of the SPTDataLoaderAuthoriser, the demo project has an example in its SPTDataLoaderAuthoriserOAuth class. In this example we are checking if the request is for the domain which we are attempting to authenticate for, and then performing the authentication (in this case we are injecting an Auth Token into the HTTP header). This interface is asynchronous to allow you to perform token refreshes while a request is in flight in order to hold it until it is ready to be authenticated. Once you have a valid token you can call the delegate (which in this case will be the factory) in order to inform it that the request has been authenticated. Alternatively if you are unable to authenticate the request tell the delegate about the error.

Creating the SPTDataLoaderFactory

Your app should ideally only create an SPTDataLoaderFactory once your user has logged in or if you require no authentication for your calls. The factory controls the authorisation of the different requests against authoriser objects that you construct.

id<SPTDataLoaderAuthoriser> oauthAuthoriser = [[SPTDataLoaderAuthoriserOAuth alloc] initWithDictionary:oauthTokenDictionary];
self.oauthFactory = [self.service createDataLoaderFactoryWithAuthorisers:@[ oauthAuthoriser ]];

What we are doing here is using an implementation of an authoriser to funnel all the requests created by this factory into these authorisers.

Creating the SPTDataLoader

Your app should create an SPTDataLoader object per view that wants to make requests (e.g. it is best not too share these between classes). This is so when your view model is deallocated the requests made by your view model will also be cancelled.

SPTDataLoader *dataLoader = [self.oauthFactory createDataLoader];

Note that this data loader will only authorise requests that are made available by the authorisers supplied to its factory.

Creating the SPTDataLoaderRequest

In order to create a request the only information you will need is the URL and where the request came from. For more advanced requests see the properties on SPTDataLoaderRequest which let you change the method, timeouts, retries and whether to stream the results.

SPTDataLoaderRequest *request = [SPTDataLoaderRequest requestWithURL:meURL
[self.dataLoader performRequest:request];

After you have made the request your data loader will call its delegate regarding results of the requests.

Handling Streamed Requests

Sometimes you will want to process HTTP requests as they come in packet by packet rather than receive a large callback at the end, this works better for memory and certain forms of media. For Spotify's purpose, it works for streaming MP3 previews of our songs. An example of using the streaming API:

void AudioSampleListener(void *, AudioFileStreamID, AudioFileStreamPropertyID, UInt32 *);
void AudioSampleProcessor(void *, UInt32, UInt32, const void *, AudioStreamPacketDescription *);

- (void)load
    NSURL *URL = [NSURL URLWithString:@""];
    SPTDataLoaderRequest *request = [SPTDataLoaderRequest requestWithURL:URL sourceIdentifier:@"preview"];
    request.chunks = YES;
    [self.dataLoader performRequest:request];

- (void)dataLoader:(SPTDataLoader *)dataLoader
didReceiveDataChunk:(NSData *)data
       forResponse:(SPTDataLoaderResponse *)response
    [data enumerateByteRangesUsingBlock:^(const void *bytes, NSRange byteRange, BOOL *stop) {
        AudioFileStreamParseBytes(_audioFileStream, byteRange.length, bytes, 0);

- (void)dataLoader:(SPTDataLoader *)dataLoader didReceiveInitialResponse:(SPTDataLoaderResponse *)response
    AudioFileStreamOpen((__bridge void *)self,

- (BOOL)dataLoaderShouldSupportChunks:(SPTDataLoader *)dataLoader
    return YES;

Be sure to render YES in your delegate to tell the data loader that you support chunks, and to set the requests chunks property to YES.

Rate limiting specific endpoints

If you specify a rate limiter in your service, you can give it a default requests per second metric which it applies to all requests coming out your app. (See “Creating the SPTDataLoaderService”). However, you can also specify rate limits for specific HTTP endpoints, which may be useful if you want to forcefully control the rate at which clients can make requests to a backend that does large amounts of work.

SPTDataLoaderRateLimiter *rateLimiter = [SPTDataLoaderRateLimiter rateLimiterWithDefaultRequestsPerSecond:10.0];
NSURL *URL = [NSURL URLWithString:@""];
[rateLimiter setRequestsPerSecond:1 forURL:URL];

It should be noted that when you set the requests per second for a URL, it takes the host, and the first component of the URL and rate limits everything that fits that description.

Switching Hosts for all requests

The SPTDataLoaderService takes in a resolver object as one of its arguments. If you choose to make this non-nil, then you can switch the hosts of different requests as they come in. At Spotify we have a number of DNS matches our requests can go through, giving us backups and failsafes in case one of these machines go down. These operations happen in the SPTDataLoaderResolver, where you can specify a number of alternative addresses for the host. An example of Spotify specifying alternative endpoints for its hosts could be:

SPTDataLoaderResolver *resolver = [SPTDataLoaderResolver new];
NSArray *alternativeAddresses = @[ @"",
                                   @"" ];
[resolver setAddresses:alternativeAddresses forHost:@""];

This allows any request made to to use any one of these other addresses (in this order) if becomes unreachable.

Using the jittered exponential timer

This library contains a class called SPTDataLoaderExponentialTimer which it uses internally to perform backoffs with retries. The reason it is jittered is to prevent the "predictable thundering hoardes" from hammering our services if one of them happens to go down. In order to make use of this class, there are some do's and don'ts. For example, do not initialise the class like so:

SPTDataLoaderExponentialTimer *timer = [SPTDataLoaderExponentialTimer exponentialTimerWithInitialTime:0.0
NSTimeInterval backoffTime = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < 1000; ++i) {
    backoffTime = timer.timeIntervalAndCalculateNext;

This will result in the backoffTime remaining at 0. Why? Because 0.0 multiplied by an exponential number is still 0. A good initial time might be 0.5 or 1.0 seconds. You will also notice that the backoffTime will get further away from the raw exponential time the more times you calculate the next interval:

SPTDataLoaderExponentialTimer *timer = [SPTDataLoaderExponentialTimer exponentialTimerWithInitialTime:1.0
NSTimeInterval backoffTime = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < 1000; ++i) {
    backoffTime = timer.timeIntervalAndCalculateNext;

This will result in a backoffTime that has drifted far away from its vanilla exponential calculation. Why? Because we add a random jitter to the calculations in order to prevent clients from connecting at the same time, in order to spread the load out evenly when experiencing a reconnect storm. The jitter gets greater along with the exponent.

Consumption observation

SPTDataLoaderService allows you to add a consumption observer whose purpose is to monitor the data consumption of the service for both uploads and downloads. This object must conform to the SPTDataLoaderConsumptionObserver protocol. This is quite easy considering it is a single method like so:

- (void)load
    [self.service addConsumptionObserver:self];

- (void)unload
    [self.service removeConsumptionObserver:self];

- (void)endedRequestWithResponse:(SPTDataLoaderResponse *)response
    NSLog(@"Bytes Downloaded: %d", bytesDownloaded);
    NSLog(@"Bytes Uploaded: %d", bytesUploaded);

Also note that this isn't just the payload, it also includes the headers.

Creating a custom authoriser

The SPTDataLoader architecture is designed to centralise authentication around the user level (in this case represented by the factory). In order to do that you must inject an authoriser you made yourself into the factory when it is created. An authoriser in most cases will be injecting an Authorisation header into any request it wants to authorise. An example below shows how a standard authoriser might be constructed for an OAuth flow.

@synthesize delegate = _delegate;

- (NSString *)identifier
    return @"OAuth";

- (BOOL)requestRequiresAuthorisation:(SPTDataLoaderRequest *)request
    // Here we check the hostname to see if it one of the hostnames we authorise against
    // It is also advisable to check whether we are using HTTPS, if we are not we should not inject our Authorisation
    // header in order to keep it secret from prying eyes
    return [ isEqualToString:@""] && [request.URL.scheme isEqualToString:@"https"];

- (void)authoriseRequest:(SPTDataLoaderRequest *)request
    [request addValue:@"My Token" forHeader:@"Authorization"];
    [self.delegate dataLoaderAuthoriser:self authorisedRequest:request];

- (void)requestFailedAuthorisation:(SPTDataLoaderRequest *)request response:(SPTDataLoaderResponse *)response
    // This tells us that the server returned a 400 error code indicating that the authorisation did not work
    // Commonly this means you should attempt to get another authorisation token
    // Or the response object should be inspected for additional information from the backend

- (void)refresh
    // Forces a refresh of the authorisation token

As you can see all we are doing here is playing with the headers. It should be noted that if you receive an authoriseRequest: call the rest of the request will not execute until you have either sent the delegate a signal telling it the request has been authorised or failed to be authorised.

Swift overlay

Additional APIs that enhance usage within Swift applications are available through the SPTDataLoaderSwift library.

// Creating a DataLoader instance
let dataLoader = dataLoaderFactory.makeDataLoader(/* optional */responseQueue: myCustomQueue)

// Creating a Request instance -- all functions can be chained
let request = dataLoader.request(modelURL, sourceIdentifier: "model-page")

// Modifying the request properties
request.modify { request in
    request.body = modelData
    request.method = .patch
    request.addValue("application/json", forHeader: "Accept")

// Adding a response validator
request.validate { response in
    guard response.statusCode.rawValue == 200 else {
        throw ValidationError.badStatus(code: response.statusCode.rawValue)

// Adding a response serializer (and executing the request)
request.responseDecodable { response in

// Cancelling the request

You can also define serializers to handle custom data types:

struct ProtobufResponseSerializer<Message: SwiftProtobuf.Message>: ResponseSerializer {
    func serialize(response: SPTDataLoaderResponse) throws -> Message {
        guard response.error == nil else {
            throw response.error.unsafelyUnwrapped

        guard let data = response.body else {
            throw ResponseSerializationError.dataNotFound

        return try Message(serializedData: data)

let modelSerializer = ProtobufResponseSerializer<MyCustomModel>()
request.responseSerializable(serializer: modelSerializer) { response in

Background story 📖

At Spotify we have begun moving to a decentralised HTTP architecture, and in doing so have had some growing pains. Initially we had a data loader that would attempt to refresh the access token whenever it became invalid, but we immediately learned this was very hard to keep track of. We needed some way of injecting this authorisation data automatically into a HTTP request that didn't require our features to do any more heavy lifting than they were currently doing.

Thus we came up with a way to elegantly inject tokens in a Just-in-time manner for requests that require them. We also wanted to learn from our mistakes with our proprietary protocol, and bake in back-off policies early to avoid us DDOSing our own backends with huge amounts of eronious requests.

Documentation 📚

See the SPTDataLoader documentation on for the full documentation.

You can also add it to Dash if you want to, using the following Dash feed:


Contributing 📬

Contributions are welcomed, have a look at the document for more information.

License 📝

The project is available under the Apache 2.0 license.