- Processor: Quad cores or more
- Memory: 8GB RAM or more
- Storage: 256GB SSD or more
- Internet: 24/7 broadband internet connection 5 Mbps or more
- Power: 24/7 electrical power
- **THETA balance: **10000 Theta or more
{% tabs %} {% tab title="Windows" %}
- Download the Windows binaries
- Run the binary
- Click continue
- Create your Guardian Node password
- Click Create Node
- When Windows asks, click Allow Access so the node can use internet.
- Sync your node to the tip of the blockchain can take minutes up to an hour depending on the performance of your computer.
- Once your node is fully synchronized, you will see a Guardian Node Holder (Summary). Copy and paste into your Theta wallet's "Deposit Stake" function.
Verify that
- the stake amount is correct
- there are some Guardian Peers connected
- Network Height number is increasing
- there is Recent Activity
{% hint style="success" %} :sparkles:Congratulations! Your Theta Guardian Node is working to finalize blocks and will earn TFUEL. {% endhint %}
{% hint style="info" %} Every 10 minutes or 100 blocks, your Guardian node is rewarded TFUEL for it's work done. It may take up to half an hour before you see your first payout. {% endhint %}
{% hint style="info" %} You can view your TFUEL rewards in your THETA wallet or view them on the block explorer. {% endhint %} {% endtab %}
{% tab title="Linux / MacOS" %}
First install curl if you need to.
sudo apt install curl -y
Install Theta binaries. If you're using macOS, update the URLs so that os=macos
mkdir ~/theta-node && cd ~/theta-node
mkdir guardian
wget -O guardian/snapshot `curl -k https://mainnet-data.thetatoken.org/snapshot`
curl -k --output guardian/config.yaml `curl -k 'https://mainnet-data.thetatoken.org/config?is_guardian=true'`
curl -k --output theta `curl -k 'https://mainnet-data.thetatoken.org/binary?os=linux&name=theta'`
curl -k --output thetacli `curl -k 'https://mainnet-data.thetatoken.org/binary?os=linux&name=thetacli'`
chmod +x theta && chmod +x thetacli
cd ~/theta-node
./theta start --config=guardian
Choose a password.
Check the status of the sync.
Open a new terminal window with CTRL-SHIFT-T and check your sync status.
./thetacli query status
{% hint style="info" %} Sync your node to the tip of the blockchain can take minutes up to an hour depending on the performance of your computer. {% endhint %}
Once your node is done syncing when "syncing": false, run the following to generate your Guardian Node Holder Summary.
./thetacli query guardian
Sample query guardian output:
{ "Address": "0x5C...",
"BlsPubkey": "a1...",
"BlsPop": "az1...",
"Signature": "83201...",
"Summary": "0xeb..." }
Copy and paste the **Summary **data into your wallet's "Deposit Stake" function
If you see the following logs, your node is working.
DEBUG [guardian] Boardcasting guardian vote vote=AggregatedVotes
{% hint style="success" %} :sparkles:Congratulations! Your Theta Guardian Node is working to finalize blocks and will earn TFUEL. {% endhint %}
{% hint style="info" %} Every 10 minutes or 100 blocks, your Guardian node is rewarded TFUEL for it's work done. It may take up to half an hour before you see your first payout. {% endhint %}
{% hint style="info" %} You can view your TFUEL rewards in your THETA wallet or view them on the block explorer. {% endhint %} {% endtab %} {% endtabs %}