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A typeclass is an interface that defines some behaviour. The spelunker library offers two typeclasses, namely:

  1. Show
  2. Homomorphism


The Show typeclass defines the behaviour to take a type and produce a std::string representation of it.

spelunker provides implementations of Show for a number of different classes to display things such as Direction, Dimensions2D, Maze, and ThickMaze.

Here is an example of a width 50, height 40 maze generated by the randomized depth-first search algorithm, represented as a string via the following code:

#include <spelunker/typeclasses/Homomorphism.h>
#include <spelunker/maze/Maze.h>
#include <spelunker/maze/DFSMazeGenerator.h>
#include <spelunker/maze/MazeTypeclasses.h>
using spelunker;

int main() {
    maze::Maze m = maze::DFSMazeGenerator{50, 40}::generate();
    std::cout << typeclasses::Show<maze::Maze>::show(m);

produces the following string output:

│ ╶─┐ ╷ ╵ ┌───┬─╴ ┌─┘ ╷ ╶─┬─────┘ ┌───┐ ┌─┐ ╵ ╷ │ ╶─┐ ┌───┐ ╵ ┌───┘ ╷ ┌───╴ │ ╷ ╶─┬─╴ │ ┌─┬─╴ │ ┌─┐ │
├─┐ │ └─┬─┘ ┌─┘ ┌─┘ ┌─┼─╴ │ ╶───┬─┘ ╷ │ │ └───┘ └───┘ │ ╷ ├───┤ ╶───┤ └─────┘ ├─╴ │ ╶─┘ │ │ ╶─┤ │ ╵ │
│ ╵ └─┐ │ ╷ │ ╶─┤ ┌─┘ │ ╶─┴───┐ ╵ ┌─┤ │ └───┐ ┌─────┐ │ │ ╵ ╷ └─╴ ┌─┴─────┐ ╶─┤ ┌─┴───┬─┘ └─┐ │ ├───┤
│ ┌─┬─┘ │ ├─┴─┐ │ ╵ ╷ └─┬─┐ ╶─┴───┘ │ ├───┐ └─┤ ┌─┐ ├─┘ └─┬─┴─────┘ ┌───┐ │ ┌─┘ │ ╶─┐ │ ┌─╴ │ │ ╵ ╷ │
│ │ │ ┌─┤ ╵ ╷ ╵ ├─┬─┴─┐ │ └───┬─╴ ┌─┘ ├─╴ └─┐ ╵ ╵ │ ╵ ┌───┘ ┌───────┘ ╷ ╵ └─┘ ┌─┴─╴ │ │ ├───┤ └─┐ │ │
│ │ │ │ │ ╶─┴───┘ │ ╷ │ └─╴ ┌─┘ ┌─┘ ┌─┘ ┌─┐ └───┬─┴─┬─┘ ╷ ┌─┴─┐ ┌───┬─┴─┬─╴ ┌─┘ ┌───┤ │ ╵ ╷ └─╴ │ │ │
│ ╵ │ │ ╵ ┌───────┘ │ └─┬─╴ │ ╶─┘ ┌─┘ ┌─┘ └───┐ │ ╷ ╵ ╷ ├─┘ ╷ ├─┘ ╷ ╵ ╷ └─┐ │ ┌─┘ ╷ │ ├───┴───┐ │ │ │
│ ┌─┘ │ ╶─┤ ┌───────┤ ╷ │ ╶─┼─────┘ ┌─┘ ╷ ┌─╴ │ │ └─┬─┘ │ ┌─┤ ╵ ╶─┼───┤ ╷ │ │ └───┤ │ │ ┌───╴ │ └─┘ │
│ │ ┌─┴───┤ └─┐ ╷ ┌─┘ ├─┴─╴ │ ╷ ┌───┴─┐ │ └─┐ │ └─┐ └─┐ │ │ └─┬───┘ ╷ └─┘ ├─┴───╴ ╵ │ ╵ │ ╶───┼───╴ │
│ │ ╵ ┌─╴ ├─┐ └─┤ │ ╶─┤ ╶───┴─┤ ╵ ┌─╴ ├─┴─┐ └─┴─╴ ├─╴ │ │ │ ╶─┤ ╶─┬─┴─┬───┘ ╶─┬─────┴─┐ ├───┐ │ ╶───┤
│ ├───┘ ╷ ╵ ├─┐ ╵ ├─╴ ├─────┐ │ ╶─┤ ╷ │ ╷ │ ╶─────┤ ┌─┘ │ └─╴ └─┐ ╵ ╷ ╵ ╶─┬───┴─────╴ │ └─┐ │ └─┬─╴ │
│ │ ┌───┴─┐ │ └─┐ │ ╶─┤ ┌─┐ │ ├─╴ │ └─┘ │ └─┬───┐ │ └─┐ └───┐ ┌─┴───┤ ┌─┬─┘ ┌───────┬─┴─┐ ╵ ├─╴ ├───┤
├─┘ │ ╶───┘ ╵ ╷ │ └─┐ │ │ │ │ └───┴─┐ ╶─┴─┐ │ ╶─┘ └─┐ │ ┌───┘ │ ┌─┐ │ ╵ │ ┌─┘ ┌─┐ ┌─┘ ╷ └─┐ │ ╶─┘ ╷ │
│ ┌─┘ ┌───────┴─┴─┐ │ ╵ │ │ └───┬─╴ ├───┐ │ └───────┤ └─┘ ┌───┘ │ │ └───┤ │ ╶─┘ │ ╵ ┌─┤ ╶─┘ └─┬───┤ │
│ │ ╶─┤ ╶───┬─┬─╴ │ └─┬─┘ │ ╶─┐ │ ╶─┘ ╷ │ ├─────┬─┐ └─┬───┘ ┌───┤ └───┐ ╵ ├───┐ ├───┘ └─────┬─┘ ╷ ╵ │
│ └───┴───┐ │ │ ╷ ├─╴ ╵ ╷ ├─╴ │ └─┬───┤ │ ╵ ┌─╴ ╵ └─┐ │ ╶─┬─┘ ╷ └───╴ └─┬─┤ ╷ │ ├─────╴ ╷ ┌─┘ ┌─┼─╴ │
│ ┌─────┐ ╵ │ │ └─┤ ╶─┬─┴─┘ ┌─┴─╴ └─╴ │ └─┬─┘ ┌─────┘ ├─╴ │ ┌─┼───────┐ │ ╵ │ ╵ │ ┌─────┤ │ ┌─┘ │ ╶─┤
│ └─╴ ╷ └───┤ ├─╴ ├─╴ │ ╶───┴───┬─┬─╴ ├─╴ ├───┘ ┌───┐ │ ╶─┘ │ ╵ ╶─┐ ╶─┤ └─┐ └───┘ │ ┌─┐ ╵ │ │ ╶─┴─╴ │
├───┬─┴───┐ ╵ │ ╶─┤ ┌─┴───┬─┬─╴ │ ╵ ╶─┤ ┌─┘ ╶───┤ ╶─┤ ├───┬─┴───┐ └─┐ └─┐ └─┬─────┤ │ └───┤ └─┬─────┤
│ ╷ │ ╶─┐ └─╴ ├─┐ ╵ │ ╶─┐ ╵ │ ╶─┴─┬───┤ └───┬─╴ │ ╷ ╵ │ ╶─┘ ╷ ╷ └─┬─┘ ╷ └─┐ └─┐ ╷ │ └─┐ ╷ ├─╴ │ ╶─┐ │
│ │ └─╴ ├─────┘ └───┴─┐ └─┐ ├───┐ ╵ ╷ ├───┐ ╵ ┌─┤ └───┴─────┘ ├─┐ │ ┌─┴───┴─┐ │ └─┴─╴ ╵ │ │ ╷ ├─╴ │ │
│ ├─────┴───╴ ┌─────┐ │ ╷ └─┤ ╷ └───┤ ╵ ╷ └───┘ ├─────────────┤ ╵ │ ╵ ┌─╴ ╷ │ └───────┐ ├─┘ ├─┘ ┌─┘ │
│ └─┐ ┌───────┤ ╶─┐ ╵ │ └─┐ ╵ ├───┐ ├───┴───┐ ╶─┘ ╷ ┌───┬───╴ │ ┌─┴───┤ ┌─┘ └───────┐ ├─┘ ╷ │ ┌─┤ ╶─┤
├─┐ ╵ │ ┌───┐ └─┐ └─┬─┘ ┌─┴─┐ ╵ ╷ │ ╵ ╷ ╶─┐ ├─────┤ │ ╶─┤ ╶───┤ ╵ ┌─┐ ╵ ├───────┬───┘ │ ╶─┴─┘ ╵ ├─╴ │
│ └───┘ │ ╷ └─╴ ├─╴ │ ╶─┤ ╷ ├───┤ └───┴─┐ │ ├─╴ ╷ │ │ ╷ └─╴ ┌─┴───┘ ╵ ┌─┘ ┌───┐ ╵ ┌───┴─────────┘ ┌─┤
│ ┌─┐ ╶─┤ └─┬───┘ ┌─┘ ┌─┘ │ │ ╶─┴─╴ ┌───┘ │ │ ╶─┴─┤ │ └─┬───┘ ┌───────┘ ┌─┘ ╷ └───┘ ┌─────────┬───┘ │
│ │ ├─╴ │ ┌─┘ ┌───┴───┘ ┌─┤ └───┬───┤ ┌───┤ └───╴ │ ├─╴ │ ┌───┤ ┌───────┴─┐ └───┐ ╶─┤ ╷ ┌───┐ │ ╶─┐ │
│ │ │ ╶─┤ │ ╶─┴───╴ ┌───┘ └───┐ ╵ ╷ ╵ │ ╷ └─────┐ │ │ ┌─┘ ├─╴ │ ├─────╴ ╷ ├───╴ ├─╴ │ │ │ ╷ │ ├─╴ │ │
│ │ └─┐ └─┴─────┬───┘ ╶───┬─┐ ├───┴───┴─┘ ╷ ┌───┤ │ │ │ ┌─┘ ╷ │ ╵ ┌─┬───┤ └─┬───┤ ┌─┘ ├─┘ │ └─┤ ┌─┘ │
│ ╵ ╷ ├───┐ ┌─╴ │ ╶─┬───┐ │ ╵ └─╴ ┌───────┴─┘ ╷ ╵ │ └─┘ │ ╷ │ └─┬─┘ ╵ ╷ └─┐ │ ╷ │ └─┐ ╵ ┌─┴─┐ ╵ │ ╶─┤
├───┤ └─╴ │ └─┐ ├─╴ ├─╴ │ └───────┘ ┌─────────┼───┴─────┴─┘ ├─┐ │ ╶───┼─╴ │ ╵ │ └─┐ │ ╶─┴─╴ └─┬─┴─┐ │
├─╴ ├───┐ └─┐ │ │ ┌─┘ ╷ └───┬─────┬─┴─────┐ ╷ └───┐ ┌───┬───┘ │ └───┐ │ ╷ └───┼─╴ │ └─┬─┬───╴ └─╴ │ │
│ ┌─┘ ╷ ╵ ┌─┘ │ │ ╵ ┌─┴───┐ │ ╶───┘ ╷ ┌─┐ ╵ ├───┐ ╵ │ ┌─┘ ╷ ╶─┴───┐ │ │ │ ┌───┘ ┌─┴─╴ │ ╵ ┌───────┘ │
│ ╵ ┌─┴───┘ ┌─┴─┴───┘ ┌───┤ │ ┌─────┘ │ └───┘ ┌─┴───┤ ╵ ┌─┴───┐ ┌─┘ │ │ └─┤ ┌───┤ ╶───┴───┤ ┌─────┐ │
│ ╶─┤ ╷ ┌───┘ ┌───┐ ╶─┤ ╷ │ └─┤ ┌─────┘ ╶─────┤ ╷ ╶─┘ ┌─┘ ┌─╴ │ │ ╶─┴─┤ ╷ │ │ ╶─┘ ┌─┬───╴ │ │ ┌─┐ ╵ │
├───┘ │ │ ╶───┘ ╷ ├─┐ ╵ │ └─╴ │ └───┐ ╶───┬─┐ │ ├─────┴─╴ │ ╶─┤ └─┬─┐ └─┤ │ │ ╶───┘ │ ┌───┘ │ │ └───┤
│ ╶───┴─┴───┬───┤ ╵ └───┴─┬───┘ ┌─╴ ├───┐ │ │ ╵ │ ╶─────┬─┴─┐ │ ╷ ╵ └─┐ ╵ │ └─┬───┬─┘ │ ╶─┐ │ ├───╴ │
│ ┌───┐ ┌─╴ │ ╷ ├───────┐ └─────┤ ┌─┘ ╷ │ ╵ ├───┴───┬─╴ │ ╶─┘ │ │ ┌───┴─┐ └─┐ ╵ ╷ ╵ ┌─┴─╴ │ │ ╵ ┌─┐ │
│ ╵ ╷ │ └───┘ │ ╵ ╶─┐ ╶─┴─────╴ ╵ │ ╷ └─┴─╴ └─╴ ┌─╴ ╵ ┌─┘ ╶───┤ └─┘ ╷ ╶─┴─╴ └───┴───┴─────┘ ├───┘ ╵ │

Here is an example of a 50 by 40 thick maze, produced by the randomized depth-first search algorithm:

#include <spelunker/typeclasses/Homomorphism.h>
#include <spelunker/maze/DFSMazeGenerator.h>
#include <spelunker/thickmaze/ThickMaze.h>
#include <spelunker/thickmaze/ThickMazeGeneratorByHomomorphism.h>
#include <spelunker/thickmaze/ThickMazeTypeclasses.h>

using spelunker;

int main() {
    thickmaze::ThickMaze m = thickmaze::ThickMazeGeneratorByHomomorphism<maze::DFSMazeGenerator>{
        maze::DFSMazeGenerator50, 40})::generate();
    std::cout << typeclasses::Show<thickmaze::ThickMaze>::show(m);

Thick maze example


This section is mathematical but useful for maximizing the value of graph generation algorithms: read at your own risk.

As mazes are essentially certain families of graphs (trees in the case of perfect mazes), we can discuss homomorphisms between different classes of graphs. Some basic definitions:

  1. A graph is a mathematical structure G = (V,E), where V is a set of vertices (or points), and E is a set of edges (or lines), each connecting two vertices. A maze can be thought of as a type of graph where the cells are vertices and the passages between cells are edges.

  2. A homomorphism is a structure-preserving map: if we have two graphs, G and H, then a homomorphism φ is a map from the vertices of G to the vertices of H so that if there is an edge between two vertices in G, say (v, w), then there is also an edge between the vertices (φ(v), φ(w)) in H.

    This is important because we have a homomorphism from Maze to ThickMaze, which permits the use of any of the Maze-specifc generation algorithms to also be used to generate ThickMazes. You can read more about this homomorphism here.

  3. A homomorphism is called a monomorphism if the map φ is one-to-one or injective, meaning that if φ(v) = φ(w), then v = w.

    The homomorphism from Maze to ThickMaze is an example of a monomorphism.

  4. A homomorphism is called an epimorphism if the map φ is onto or surjective, meaning that for every vertex w in a graph H, there is at least one vertex v in G such that φ(v) = w.

  5. An isomorphism is a homomorphism that is both a monomorphism and an epimorphism, aka a bijective homomorphism. Two things that are isomorphic have identical structure, and thus may be considered, for all intents and purposes, the same object.

To show the power of homomorphisms, here is an example of a 25 by 20 Maze generated by the hunt-and-kill algorithm:


Using the monomorphism from Maze to ThickMaze, we get a ThickMaze with the same structure:


Finally, here is a commutative diagram of the relationships between the different subclasses of AbstractMaze, where the arrows represent monomorphisms:

commutative diagram