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164 lines (146 loc) · 8.2 KB


Format is based on Keep a Changelog.

v0.5.0 - 2023-01-14


  • now accepts Explorer dataframes, and Explorer is used in most cases for transformations leading up to rendering the plot.
  • Replaced scale_size_discrete and scale_size_continuous with scale_size. This conforms to the ggplot2 API; previously they were split because GGity could not draw a legend for a continuous size scale (scale_size is continuous).
  • Legends now apply fixed aesthetic values to key glyphs.

v0.4.0 - 2021-02-10


  • Added :custom_attributes to the Bar, Boxplot, Point, Rect, Segment and Text geoms. This option can contain a function that takes the plot and a row of data and returns a keyword list of custom attribute/value pairs that are then added to the the SVG element representing that data on the plot. Custom attributes could be data attributes, Phoenix LiveView event handlers or Alpine.js snippets, for example.
  • Boxplot geoms with Plot.geom_boxplot/3
  • Added Plot.annotate/2, which supports adding text, rectangle and line (:segment) annotations
  • Added Geom.Rect and Geom.Segment. These geoms can be added to a plot indirectly using annotations (for a single row of data) or by creating a a layer using and prepending it to the list contained in the :layers value for a Plot struct. Plot.geom_rect/3 and Plot.geom_segment/3 as well as visual tests for the conventional approach will come, but most of the time these geoms are best suited for annotations as opposed to mapping multiple rows of data to a plot.
  • Shape scale now includes all point shapes (fillable and non-fillable) that are available in ggplot2.
  • Docs now include guides with examples similar to those in the ggplot2 documentation. (ggplot2 and documentation are copyrighted by the ggplot2 authors subject to the MIT License.)


  • Replaced Plot.to_file/2 with Plot.to_xml/1. The former returned a file; the new version simply adds an XML declaration and allows the user to pass the IO List to File.write!/3 or otherwise. Plot.to_xml/2 takes the plot height as a second argument and adds a fixed height and width to the SVG element. Width is calculated using the plot's aspect ratio. This is helpful for generating files where there is no control over dimensions of the parent element (e.g., Markdown-generated documentation).

  • Text that is rendered in a SVG <text> element is escaped using the code from Plug.HTML. This includes plot/axis/legend labels and Geom.Text elements.

  • Values for attributes in the inline stylesheet generated from a theme are validated. Numerical attributes are confirmed to be numbers, values for colors are confirmed to be hex values or valid CSS color names, and the value for :face is checked against a list of allowed values. Invalid property-value pairs are not included in the rendered stylesheet.

    The only attribute not validated is :family. This value is HTML-escaped, but still poses a security risk if it is set with untrusted data.

  • Changed the order of shapes in the shape scale palette to conform to ggplot2 API.

  • Replaced interpolated strings with IO Lists in various parts of the stylesheet generation function chain.

  • Changed some default theme values to improve quality of sample charts.

  • Added top and right default margins to improve quality of sample charts.


  • Size scale is based on accurate (rather than approximate) calculations of point area for each shape
  • Y-coordinate scale and axis functions properly handle dataset with no range (same min and max value, or only one value).
  • A theme's :face property sets the value of the CSS font-weight attribute in conformance with the ggplot2 API.
  • :nudge_y property sign for Geom.Text reversed to conform to ggplot2 API.
  • Gridlines are beneath axis ticks.

v0.3.1 - 2020-12-08


  • Fixed visual test error for new cloned repos
  • Miscellaneous doc updates

v0.3 - 2020-11-25


  • Plots can display multiple layers, with each layer supplying its own data and mapping. Each layer is added using the applicable Plot.geom_* function. The plot expands the extents of ("trains") the scale used for each aesthetic to include the combined domain of the data mapped to that aesthetic. Mappings and data still default to the plot mapping and data. Updating the mapping for a layer is unchanged (the passed map is merged with the plot mapping). A layer-specific data set can be provided by passing the data option with a dataset to Plot.geom_*. Run mix ggity.visual.layers for examples.
  • Added Geom.Text; helpful for labelling bar plots
  • Added theme support. Each plot has a Theme struct that stores the attributes of non-data elements of the plot (titles, borders, backgrounds and more). A plot's theme can be updated using Plot.theme/2. Attributes that are also CSS presentation attributes are implemented via custom classes that can also be styled with an external stylesheet.
  • Added ribbon geoms. These are primarily useful for drawing area/stacked area charts, but are also good for drawing a confidence interval around a line.
  • Added support for rotating x-axis tick labels.
  • Discrete alpha and size scales accept a tuple with min/max values for creating a palette.


  • Substantial overhaul of plot, geom and scale internals in order to accommodate layers
  • No longer set an SVG width/height (remove Plot :plot_width attribute). This is unnecessary and messes up scaling
  • No longer document Plot :width attribute (setting the panel width); this number should not be changed from its default value
  • Date/DateTime tick intervals are now nice time multiples thanks to Contex
  • Discrete size scale now draws a legend
  • Size scales map to area, not radius
  • Removed legend whitespace if no legend is drawn
  • Bars sort by alpha, not just fill
  • Change min/max options for size/alpha continuous scales to conform to ggplot2 API
  • Moved axis drawing code to separate (private) Axis module
  • Geom.Line.sort_by_x/2 is fully private (was never part of the public API)
  • Geom.Point.points/2 is fully private (was never part of the public API)
  • Geom.Line.lines/2 is fully private (was never part of the public API)


  • Fixed bug related to training of date/datetime scales
  • mix.ggity.visual --wsl no longer fails if a browser is open. Instead it opens tabs and as a bonus stops blocking the terminal process. If no window is open it works as before.

v0.2.1 - 2020-07-06


  • License information for matplotlib (viridis) and cividis color palettes


  • Continuous scales can handle zero-length domains

v0.2 - 2020-07-05


  • Bar charts (i.e., Plot.geom_bar/3 and Plot.geom_col/3)
  • Visual tests for Geom.Bar
  • Stat to support count transformation for bar charts
  • Default grouping for line charts applied to all applicable scales
  • Scale.Linetype.Discrete for line charts
  • Additional legend key glyphs
  • economics_long dataset to support testing of line chart grouping
  • Initial support for bar charts in stacked or dodged position, fill mapping and stat_count only
  • Scale.Fill.Viridis to support bar chart aesthetic
  • Scale.X.Discrete, a prerequisite for implementing bar charts
  • Legends can be toggled on and off with Plot.guides/2 or by passing guide: :none/guide: :legend to a scale constructor
  • Robust axis and legend item label formatting via :labels option passed to scale constructors. This supports the same options as the ggplot2 scales except for passing a vector (list) of values to replace the calculated labels
  • Dependency on NimbleStrftime (expected to be removed when this module is added to Elixir 1.11)
  • Support for date_label formatting via the :date_labels option. This option can be a pattern accepted by NimbleStrftime, or a tuple with a pattern and a keyword list of options used by NimbleStrftime


  • Various minor documentation improvements.
  • Geom.Blank returns an empty list instead of a list with an unnecessary empty string


  • An extra list traversal in Scale.Color.Viridis
  • Rogue comment in Scale.Alpha.Continuous
  • Rogue comment in mix.exs
  • Unnecessary geom() type from Scale.Color.Viridis