Distributed Data Pipeline Utilities
Check out the docs at https://dplutils.readthedocs.io/en/stable/
pip install dplutils
You can create pipelines and run in a local ray cluster as in the example below. Either in client mode running directly in an interactive python session, or by submission to a locally running ray cluster.
Further details on running a pipeline are listed below in the using the docker container environment.
Get (or build, see below) docker image
docker pull ghcr.io/ssec-jhu/dplutils:latest
To start a cluster, start one ray head node and any number of worker nodes on network-connected hosts. To start the head node, running the container using the docker engine, this can be used:
docker run -d -n rayhead -v /path/to/data:/data --net host \
dplutils /opt/startray.sh --head --block
which will start the head node (blocking in order that the container stay up). The --net host
option is given to
expose all open ports on the host as ray requires several bi-directional connections to workers. The -v ...
option is
an example of mounted a local path into the container so it can access files (for example directory containing source
data, and output directory). It also exposes a dashboard at 8265 that can be viewed using a web browser.
On the workers, similarly start using the command:
docker run -d -v /path/to/data:/data --net host \
dplutils /opt/startray.sh --block --address={head-node}:6379
For hosts with custome resources (e.g. other than those that get auto-detected such as CPUs and GPUs), you can pass resources to the start command:
docker run -d --net host -v /path/to/data:/data \
dplutils /opt/startray.sh --block --address={head-node}:6379 \
--resources '{"mycustomresource": 1}'
In the dashboard you should see the workers listed in the clusters tab.
Pipelines can be run via interactive python sessions or asynchronously. In an interactive session one would import or
define a pipeline within the session and then call run
or writeto
method to kick off execution. For longer
running or production jobs it is generally advisable to submit a job to ray. dplutils contains helpers for making it
easy to run configurable pipelines via the command line. For example, assuming a script like:
from dplutils.pipeline import PipelineTask
from dplutils.pipeline.ray import RayDataPipelineExecutor
from dplutils.cli import cli_run
if __name__ == '__main__':
pl = RayDataPipelineExecutor([PipelineTask('task1', lambda x: x.assign(newcol=1))])
We can submit the job in the following way, assuming a container is already running and has had the ray head node
started (here named rayhead
; see above):
docker exec -it rayhead ray job submit -- python /path/to/script.py -o outdir
Note that as this is run within the container environment, the paths are what is exposed within and not necessarily the same as in the host environment
The progress and log files can be viewed on the ray dashboard, and generated data will be available as a parquet table
written to /outdir
(one file per batch, as they are completed)
An "official" docker image is provided based on the latest release, but for development or those needing a custom build or running outside of a containerized environment, below are instructions for installing the code from the source repository.
Install dependencies:
pip install -r requirements/dev.txt
Run tox:
tox -e test
, to run just the teststox
, to run linting, tests and build. This should be run without errors prior to commit
From the repo directory, run
docker build -f docker/Dockerfile --tag dplutils .