Just learned the C-u C-u
prefix in Emacs when working with shortcuts
that work on terms or types. So useful!
I was trying to get the type of subst but with C-c C-d I was getting:
{A.a : Level} {A : Set A.a} {ℓ : Level} → Substitutive _≡_ ℓ
It's not all that helpful if you don't know what Substitutives definition is.
But with C-u C-u C-c C-d (the same as above but prefixed with C-u C-u) you get:
{A.a : Level} {A : Set A.a} {ℓ : Level} (P : A → Set ℓ) {x y : A} → x ≡ y → P x → P y
Now that's better! You can try it out in this module.
_ : Set
_ = {! subst !}