All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
#35: [Bug] home-assistant-gazpar integration version check is wrong. #29: [Bug] Showing 1% increase ratio instead of 100% expected.
#30: [Change] Gazpar icon has been resized.
#24: [Feature] Weekly readings should be compared with the same week one year before.
#22: [Bug] Error message too long.
#19: [Bug] Cropped information.
#19: [Bug] Cropped information.
#7: [Feature] Use regional settings of the browser to display dates and numbers.
#20: [Feature] Add temperature line chart on daily chart.
#14: [Bug] No graph with Firefox.
#6:[Feature] Display daily and weekly data as history bar chart.
#18: [Feature] Add a new config showMainBar to display (or not) the info bar with the latest consumption.
#17: [Bug] 1.3.5 regression: Display issues when data is uncommon.
#15: [Bug] Valeur change sur le dashboard aléatoirement (on IOS)
#16: [Feature] Add the card version number at the bottom
#15: [Bug] Valeur change sur le dashboard aléatoirement (Chrome on Windows)
#13: [Bug] Fix overflow on monthly history table when using mobile.
#12: [Bug] Fix the way how trend ratio is computed.
#11: [Bug] Trend ratio displays "No data icon" if previous period and current period value is zero.
#10: Display issues when data is uncommon.
#5: [Feature] Display yearly data as history bar chart. It required at least Gazpar Integration version 1.3.0.
#4: [Bug] Fix the card configuration editor. Entity text field was not showing up.
#3: [Feature] Provide monthly history using a bar chart in addition to the table.
#1: [Feature] Provide monthly history (in addition to weekly history already available).
#2: [Feature] Provide trend ratio of the consumption.
First version.