- Pass optional arguments to deployment scripts
- Support building source packages without project file
- Display messages when deploy fails
- Fix formatting in FAKE.Deploy docs
- Fix memory usage in FAKE.Deploy
- Increase WebClient's request timeout to 20 minutes - fsprojects#442
- Mainly Layout fixes and disabling authenticate in FAKE.Deploy fsprojects#441
- Deploy PDBs via nuget fsprojects#435
- Release Notes parser should not drop asterisk at end of lines
- Corrected location of @files@ in nuspec sample
- Allow to report tests to AppVeyor
- fix appveyor msbuild logger
- Don't add Teamcity logger if not needed
- Fake.Deploy agent requires user authentication
- Remove AutoOpen von AppVeyor
- fix order of arguments in call to CopyFile
- Support MSTest test settings - fsprojects#428
- If the NAV error file contains no compile errors return the length
- Promoted the master branch as default branch and removed develop branch
- Remove AutoOpen from TaskRunnerHelper
- Adding Metadata to AsssemblyInfo
- Analyze the Dynamics NAV log file and report the real error count
- Allow to retrieve version no. from assemblies
- Fix issue with symbol packages in NugetHelper
- Fix issues in the ProcessHelper - fsprojects#412 and fsprojects#411
- Allow to register BuildFailureTargets - fsprojects#407
- UnionConverter no longer needed for Json.Net
- Handle problems with ProgramFilesX86 on mono - fslaborg/zzarchive-FsLab#32
- Change the MSBuild 12.0 path settings according to fslaborg/zzarchive-FsLab#32
- Silent mode for MSIHelper - fsprojects#400
- Support for OpenCover - fsprojects#398
- Support for ReportsGenerator - fsprojects#399
- Adding AppVeyor environment variables
- New BulkReplaceAssemblyInfoVersions task - fsprojects#394
- Fixed default nuspec file
- "Getting started" tutorial uses better folder structure
- Allows explicit file specification on the NuGetParams Type
- Fix TypeScript output dir
- Add better docs for the TypeScript compiler.
- Don't call the TypeScript compiler more than once
- New parameters for TypeScript
- Enumerate the files lazily in the File|Directory active pattern
- Using Nuget 2.8.1
- Added TypeScript 1.0 support
- Added TypeScript support
- Fixed ProcessTestRunner
- Fixed mono build on Travis
- Add getDependencies to NugetHelper
- SourceLink support
- NancyFx instead of ASP.NET MVC for Fake.Deploy
- Allows to execute processes as unit tests.
- Adding SourceLinks
- Move release management back to the local machine (using this document)
- Allow to run MsTest test in isolation
- Fixed Nuget.packSymbols
- Fixed bug in SemVer parser
- New title property in Nuspec parameters
- Added option to disabled FAKE's automatic process killing
- Better AppyVeyor integration
- Added ability to define custom MSBuild loggers
- Fix for getting the branch name with Git >= 1.9
- Added functions to write and delete from registry
- NUnit NoThread, Domain and StopOnError parameters
- Add support for VS2013 MSTest
- Lots of small fixes
- Created new packages on nuget:
- Fake.Deploy - allows to use FAKE scripts in deployment.
- Fake.Experimental - new stuff where we aren't sure if we want to support it.
- Fake.Gallio - contains the Gallio runner support.
- Fake.SQL - Contains tasks for SQL Server.
- Fake.Core - All the basic features and FAKE.exe.
- Created documentation and tutorials - see http://fsharp.github.io/FAKE/
- New tasks:
- Added ReleaseNotes parser
- Added Dynamics NAV helper
- Added support for MSTest and fixie
- Parallel NUnit task
- New AssemblyInfoFile task
- Support for Octopus Deploy
- Support for MAGE
- Suppport for Xamarin's xpkg
- Many other new tasks
- Fake.Boot
- New Globbing system
- Tons of bug fixes
- Bundles F# 3.0 compiler and FSI.
- "RestorePackages" allows to restore nuget packages
- FAKE nuget package comes bundles with a fsi.exe
- Self build downloads latest FAKE master via nuget
- Fixed bug where FAKE.Deploy didn't run the deploy scripts where used as a windows service
- It's possible to add file loggers for MSBuild
- Fixed path resolution for fsi on *nix
- BREAKING CHANGE: Removed version normalization from NuGet package creation
- Fixes for NUNit compatibility on mono
- Fixes in ProcessHelper for mono compatibility
- Fixes in the mono build
- Improved error reporting in Fake.exe
- Added a SpecFlow helper
- Fixed some issues in file helper routines when working with no existing directory chain
- Fixed bug where FAKE didn't run the correct build script
- New conditional dependency operator =?>
- BREAKING CHANGE: Some AssemblyInfo task parameters are now option types. See type hints.
- New RegAsm task, allows to create TLBs from a dll.
- New MSI task, allows to install or uninstall msi files.
- StringHelper.NormalizeVersion fixed for WiX.
- Allow to choose specific nunit-console runner.
- Using nuget packages for mspec.
- FAKE tries to kill all MSBuild and FSI processes at the end of a build.
- Removed message system for build output. Back to simpler tracing.
- ReplaceAssemblyInfoVersions task allows to replace version info in AssemblyVersion-files
- New task ConvertFileToWindowsLineBreaks
- Allows to build .sln files
- Allows to publish symbols via nuget.exe
- Autotrim trailing .0 from version in order to fullfill nuget standards.
- If the publishment of a Nuget package fails, then FAKE will try it again.
- Added Changelog.markdown to FAKE deployment
- Added RequireExactly helper function in order to require a specific nuget dependency.
- NugetHelper.GetPackageVersion - Gets the version no. for a given package in the packages folder.
- EnvironmentHelper.getTargetPlatformDir - Gets the directory for the given target platform.
- Some smaller bugfixes
- New dependency syntax with ==> and <=>
- Tracing of StackTrace only if TargetHelper.PrintStackTraceOnError was set to true
- New task DeleteDirs allows to delete multiple directories.
- New parameter for NuGet dependencies.
- Bundled with docu.exe compiled against .Net 4.0.
- Fixed docu calls to run with full filenames.
- Added targetplatform, target and log switches for ILMerge task.
- Added Git.Information.getLastTag() which gets the last git tag by calling git describe.
- Added Git.Information.getCurrentHash() which gets the last current sha1.
- Fixed Nuget support and allows automatic push.
- Tracing of all external process starts.
- MSpec support.