- Rio de Janeiro, Brasil
- @fabianorodrigo
- https://dev.to/fabianonascimento
- https://medium.com/@fabianorodrigo_55897
🛡️ Web 3.0
Starter kits for multiple technology stacks
ERC20 Token Dapp developed under exercises of learnweb3.io
DAO developed under exercises of learnweb3.io
Whitelist Dapp using Merkle Tree proof
Soccer scores bets decentralized Application
The intention of this project is just test some concepts. Basically, a mess of ideias :D
Based in a Hierarchal Deterministic (HD) Wallet mneumonic, generates a number of encrypted JSON KeyStore
Ethereum Name Service usage developed under exercises of learnweb3.io
Etherscan verification project
Exercises from Udemy course: Ethereum and Solidity, The Complete Guide for Developer
Proofs of concept and learning practices on chainlink oracles
Chainlink VR practice project
Files to run a local Chainlink Node as shown https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DO3O6ZUtwbs
Whitelist Dapp developed under exercises of learnweb3.io
Research "A Test Case Generation Technique for Smart Contracts" results
Gerencia uma linha de financiamento com um conjunto de regras hard coded
AWS Lambda solution to monitor NFT Transfer events and store them in a DynamoDB table
AWS Lambda solution to list NFT Transfer events persisted in a DynamoDB table