diff --git a/inst/NEWS.Rd b/inst/NEWS.Rd index 08651805..416f020a 100644 --- a/inst/NEWS.Rd +++ b/inst/NEWS.Rd @@ -460,46 +460,14 @@ are computed using the edges dissolution approximation (Carnegie et al.) when appropriate. If set to "zeros", the initial values are set to zeros. \item \code{SA.oh.memory = 100000} Absolute maximum number of data points per thread to store in the full optimization history. + } } \item Changes to \code{simulate.stergm} parameters: addition of \code{duration.dependent} parameter to control whether the model terms in formula or model are duration dependent. E.g., if a duration-dependent term is used in estimation/simulation model, the probability of forming or dissolving a tie may dependent on the age the dyad status. } } +} - % \subsection{NEW FEATURES}{ - % \itemize{ - % } - % } - - % \subsection{DEPRECATED & DEFUNCT}{ - % \itemize{ - % } - % } - - % \subsection{C-LEVEL FACILITIES}{ - % \itemize{ - % \item It is not clear that we need a subsection called "C-LEVEL FACILITIES". - % } - % } - - % \subsection{UTILITIES}{ - % \itemize{ - % \item Likewise, "UTILITIES" is probably unnecessary. - % } - % } - - % \subsection{INSTALLATION}{ - % \itemize{ - % \item ... as is "INSTALLATION". - % } - % } - - % \subsection{PACKAGE INSTALLATION}{ - % \itemize{ - % \item ditto. - % } - % } -} \section{Changes in version 3.1.3}{ \subsection{BUG FIXES}{ @@ -523,41 +491,6 @@ details. } } - - % \subsection{NEW FEATURES}{ - % \itemize{ - % } - % } - - % \subsection{DEPRECATED & DEFUNCT}{ - % \itemize{ - % } - % } - - % \subsection{C-LEVEL FACILITIES}{ - % \itemize{ - % \item It is not clear that we need a subsection called "C-LEVEL FACILITIES". - % } - % } - - % \subsection{UTILITIES}{ - % \itemize{ - % \item Likewise, "UTILITIES" is probably unnecessary. - % } - % } - - % \subsection{INSTALLATION}{ - % \itemize{ - % \item ... as is "INSTALLATION". - % } - % } - - % \subsection{PACKAGE INSTALLATION}{ - % \itemize{ - % \item ditto. - % } - % } - }