+Access content on the Portal network
+Once you have a Fluffy node connected to network with
+the JSON-RPC interface enabled, then you can access the content available on
+the Portal network.
+You can for example access execution layer blocks through the standardized
+JSON-RPC call eth_getBlockByHash
+# Get the hash of a block from your favorite block explorer, e.g.:
+BLOCKHASH=0x34eea44911b19f9aa8c72f69bdcbda3ed933b11a940511b6f3f58a87427231fb # Replace this to the block hash of your choice
+# Run this command to get this block:
+curl -s -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":"1","method":"eth_getBlockByHash","params":["'${BLOCKHASH}'", true]}' http://localhost:8545 | jq
The Portal testnet is slowly being filled up with historical data through
+bridge nodes. Because of this, more recent history data is more likely to be
+You can also use our blockwalk
tool to walk down the blocks one by one:
make blockwalk
+BLOCKHASH=0x34eea44911b19f9aa8c72f69bdcbda3ed933b11a940511b6f3f58a87427231fb # Replace this to the block hash of your choice
+./build/blockwalk --block-hash:${BLOCKHASH}