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Purpose of this document

This document highlights the various ways a particular branch or changeset can be evaluated when it comes to performance characteristics.

When submitting changes that may impact the network's performance, we require to perform some level of comparison of the changes between that version and latest master or release.

Metrics being used for all scenarios

  • Execution (real) time
  • CPU utilization at various interval, and/or percentile
  • Disk I/O at the operating system level (ie: unit is typically in blocks/s), both reads and writes of the stellar-core process
  • SQL: rate of operations (read and writes), Disk I/O of the SQL process if available (PostgreSQL)
  • Memory utilization

High level scenarios

Networks to test against

There are 3 types of network available for testing.


What it's good for

  • Testnet provides a realistic and moderate size dataset (transactions and ledger), and a few validators.
  • Load testing of simple scenarios.

What it's not so good for

  • The ledger size may not be big enough depending on the test being performed.
  • SCP and flooding related changes typically require all validators to run code compatible with a change.
  • Load testing or stress testing are not going to yield meaningful results on testnet due to the centralized nature of the deployment and dependence on specific compute profile.

Public network

What it's good for

  • The public network has historical data dating back to when the network launched in 2015, the transaction history is as diverse as it can be.
  • Validating the performance characteristics of old versions of the protocol - which may allow to quantify potential performance regressions in old versions (that can be acceptable).
  • The public network has a much more diverse set of validators than testnet, which allows better evaluation of SCP related metrics.

What it's not good for

  • SCP and flooding related changes typically require all validators to run code compatible with a change.
  • The ledger may not be large enough when evaluating future trends.
  • Stress testing is expensive on the network and may lead to unnecessary outage.

Private network

What it's good for

  • Injecting large amount of transactions in a network while controlling all parameters (can use some data from public network if using the same passphrase).
  • Evaluating SCP and overlay for various network and trust topologies. Load testing (observe baseline metrics) and stress testing (evaluating breaking points).

What it's not good for

  • Evaluating heterogeneous environment (location of validators, connectivity, compute profile). This can be somewhat approximated by spinning up capacity in various datacenters (at a cost).

Joining a network

  • Join a network with an empty node, wait until it’s fully in sync.
    • this measures the overhead to get overlay up to speed as well as performing the various catchup tasks
  • Catchup complete (replay entire history) vs recent (only replay around X ledgers from current).

Steady state

  • Observe a node for X (X=5/15/30) minutes in the “Synced!” state.

Notable sub-scenarios

Catch-up over specified ranges of ledgers

Performed using the command line catchup command (does not depend on overlay).

In order, this tests the following sequence:

  1. Download data from history
  2. Apply buckets from a fresh database
    • Variable here is size of each bucket (~number of ledger entries)
  3. Apply transactions from N ledgers
    • Variables to look for are the composition of each ledger (transaction set size, some ranges are busier than others)

Inject transactions

Inject transactions, wait until they are incorporated into a ledger.

This scenario looks at the overhead of flooding transactions and SCP messages (required for transactions to be included in a ledger).

Built-in load generator

stellar-core has a built-in load generator that allows to inject transactions on private networks. See the generateload command for more detail.


Some tests (usually hidden, must be run directly) micro-benchmark (test tags contain bench, like bucketbench) or exercise certain parts of the code (for example [tx] runs tests for all transaction related code).

They can be used as a way to demonstrate specific improvements in a specific subsystem.

In some cases it may make sense to submit changes to those tests (or write new micro-benchmarks) with the pull request.

Measuring metrics

Built-in metrics

Calling the metrics command allows to gather the metrics at various intervals.

Notable metrics

See docs/metrics for information on metrics exposed by stellar-core.

System metrics

Tools used to gather those metrics are O/S specific.



uptime which reports the load average, can be a really good indicator of how a machine is performing in aggregate.

top is often a good enough tool to give an idea of what is going on in the system.

For a list of performance related tool, see



Utilization per processor

$ mpstat -P ALL
06:16:11 PM  CPU    %usr   %nice    %sys %iowait    %irq   %soft  %steal  %guest  %gnice   %idle
06:16:11 PM  all    9.13    0.01    2.07    0.40    0.00    0.36    0.08    0.00    0.00   87.95
06:16:11 PM    0   10.41    0.01    2.42    0.46    0.00    0.73    0.12    0.00    0.00   85.86
06:16:11 PM    1    7.87    0.00    1.72    0.34    0.00    0.00    0.04    0.00    0.00   90.01

Disk I/O


It is a best practice to clear all I/O caches between runs.

On Linux system, this can be done with a command like

sync ; echo 3 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches

iotop is the equivalent of top for I/O; it also allows to aggregate data, which can be useful to identify small but steady utilization of I/O subsystems.

Basic view:

iostat -d
Linux 3.13.0-139-generic (core-live-005)        04/10/2018      _x86_64_        (2 CPU)

Device:            tps    kB_read/s    kB_wrtn/s    kB_read    kB_wrtn
xvda              0.82         0.23         8.53    1795356   66176300
xvdb              5.84         0.06        48.81     491097  378539212
xvdh              5.85         2.30        78.16   17845337  606107180

Detailed view:

$ iostat -d -x
Device:         rrqm/s   wrqm/s     r/s     w/s    rkB/s    wkB/s avgrq-sz avgqu-sz   await r_await w_await  svctm  %util
xvda              0.00     0.79    0.01    0.80     0.23     8.53    21.46     0.00    5.39    7.54    5.35   1.20   0.10
xvdb              0.00     6.49    0.01    5.83     0.06    48.81    16.75     0.00    0.18    0.31    0.18   0.12   0.07
xvdh              0.00     4.56    0.24    5.61     2.30    78.16    27.50     0.11   18.70   11.23   19.02   1.61   0.94


This section contains some examples on how to perform profiling on different platforms.


perf is a good alternative to gprof for event based profiling. A good tutorial is

A very good source of how to use perf can be found at

Environment preparation

Kernel setup

If you want to profile as a regular user, with sysctl check the values of:


In particular * kernel.perf_event_paranoid that when above 1, disables CPU events. * kernel.sched_schedstats should be set to 1

If they are not what you want, you can set them, as root:

echo 'kernel.perf_event_paranoid=0' '/etc/sysctl.d/51-enable-perf-events.conf'
sysctl kernel.perf_event_paranoid=0

Compile flags

Preparing the binary to be "perf friendly" (run before running configure):

# whatever flags you want to set, -O2 is typical
export CFLAGS="-O2"
export CXXFLAGS="-O2"

# make things "perf friendly"
export CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -fno-omit-frame-pointer -ggdb"
export CXXFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS -fno-omit-frame-pointer -ggdb"

Reducing the dataset

A run can be scoped to

  • only a subset of threads, see the --tid option
  • a specific range, for example only capture data during "normal" operation, excluding startup/shutdown.
    • this is achieved by invoking perf separately and using the --pid option combined with a command like -- sleep 30s to capture events for a specific time.

Tips for getting the best stack traces

Note: on some systems, the quality of symbols differs depending on the tool-chain. If you don't get good stack traces, try switching to gcc/g++.

In order to improve the quality of stack traces:

  • Use your own version of dependencies (sqlite, etc) with the same compile options (done for you by stellar-core's configure script)
  • Use alternate libraries such as google-tcmalloc
# you may need to install a package such as libtcmalloc-minimal4 for this to work
export LDFLAGS=-ltcmalloc_minimal
# alternatively, you can start "stellar-core", with something like
LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ ./stellar-core ...
  • use clang/clang++ and a custom libc++ compiled with the same compilation options that you use.
    svn co llvm
    (cd llvm/projects && svn co libcxx)
    (cd llvm/projects && svn co libcxxabi)
    mkdir lbcxx_perf && cd libcxx_perf
    cmake ../llvm -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RelWithDebInfo -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=clang -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=clang++ -DCMAKE_C_FLAGS='-O2 -g1 -fno-omit-frame-pointer' -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS='-O2 -g1 -fno-omit-frame-pointer'
    make cxx -j7
    export LIBCXX_PATH=`pwd`/lib

Flame graphs

A very good way to summarize data is to use flame graphs.

A good tool for this is located at

You can just pull a local copy with

git clone

Example perf sessions

Sampling session

This example grabs 60 seconds of data from a running stellar-core instance.

perf record -F 99 -p $(pgrep stellar-core) --call-graph dwarf,20000 -o -- sleep 60

To view the report: perf report -n -F +period -i

To generate a flame graph:

perf report --stdio -i --no-children -n -g folded,0,caller,count -s comm | awk '/^ / { comm = $3 } /^[0-9]/ { print comm ";" $2, $1 }'  > perf-cpu.folded
~/src/FlameGraph/ perf-cpu.folded > ~/reports/folded-cpu.svg

This generates a report that looks like this

"Off CPU" session

Records for 60 seconds events related to when a running stellar-core process is waiting on something.

As most threads "sleep" (waiting for some work), most of the interesting data in this report is in the smaller parts of the report (as the cummulative time of threads waiting for work is dominant).

Note: "counts" in this report represent time in milliseconds.

perf record -e 'sched:sched_stat_sleep,sched:sched_switch,sched:sched_process_exit' -p $(pgrep stellar-core) --call-graph dwarf -o  -- sleep 60
sudo perf inject -f -v -s -i -o
sudo chown user.user

To view the report: perf report -n -F +period -i

To generate a flame graph:

perf report --stdio -i --no-children -n -g folded,0,caller,period -s comm | awk '/^ / { comm = $3 } /^[0-9]/ { print comm ";" $2, $1/1000000 }'  > perf-offcpu.folded
~/src/FlameGraph/ perf-offcpu.folded > ~/reports/folded-offcpu.svg

This generates a report that looks like this

common issues

event syntax error: 'sched:sched_stat_sleep,sched:sched_switch,sched:sched_process_exit'
                     \___ can't access trace events

Error:  No permissions to read /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/events/sched/sched_stat_sleep
Hint:   Try 'sudo mount -o remount,mode=755 /sys/kernel/debug/tracing'

solution is, as root to run

sysctl kernel.perf_event_paranoid=-1
sysctl kernel.sched_schedstats=1



Stellar-core has built-in support for Tracy traces.

To install the visualizer, follow the build and install instructions from the main Tracy site.

At a high level you need to

install the required pre-requesites to build clients, run in a shell:

vcpkg.exe integrate install
vcpkg.exe install --triplet x64-windows-static capstone freetype glfw3

Then build one of the servers.

Solutions for servers compatible with the version of stellar-core can be found under:

* lib/tracy/profiler/build/win32 (GUI)
* lib/tracy/capture/build/win32

Note: when connecting, use localhost instead of as Tracy binds by default to IPV6 addresses.

General Visual Studio profiler

The main page for the profiler built into Visual Studio Community Edition is located there:

All platforms

Intel V-Tune (free, unlimited license 90 days renewal)